
  • Cleveland Plan Is Constitutional

    Published January 1, 1997
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    In 1996, six years after Milwaukee, Wisconsin implemented a school choice program that included private but not parochial schools, Cleveland, Ohio started the nation’s second major school choice program.
  • How Would You Respond?

    Published January 1, 1997
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    Opinion poll results are often largely determined by how the survey questions are worded. If a pollster asks, Do you think the government should help people in need?
  • Illinois Court Rejects Spending Equity Suit

    Published January 1, 1997
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    On October 18, the Illinois Supreme Court ruled in a divided opinion that the state’s system for funding education does not violate the state’s constitution.
  • Nebraska Rejects Funding Initiatives

    Published January 1, 1997
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    Nebraska voters on November 5 defeated two initiatives that promised property tax relief and more equitable funding of public schools.
  • Opinion Polls Show Support for School Choice

    Published January 1, 1997
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    A recent nationwide survey has found widespread public support for educational choice, confirming the findings of state-specific polls but contradicting two heavily publicized surveys conducted in early 1996.
  • School Privitization Needs Better Contracts

    Published January 1, 1997
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    When the Baltimore, Maryland public school system cancelled its management contract with Educational Alternatives Inc., opponents of the arrangement lost no time in dancing on the grave of school privatization.
  • Union Nixes Plan to Reward Good Schools

    Published January 1, 1997
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    A program adopted by the Philadelphia school board to link teacher performance reviews and pay raises to student achievement was denounced by the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers as “vindictive” and “school-bashing.
  • Vermont Parents Sue to Include Religious Schools in Choice Program

    Published January 1, 1997
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    For more than a century, Vermont has practiced a unique school choice program called “tuitioning.”The practice arose because many small communities in the state did not have their own high school and were not members of high school districts.
  • Tax Swap Not Needed to Fund Illinois Schools

    Published December 19, 1996
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    I doubt that I am the only taxpayer who trembles whenever Democrat Mike Madigan, the new Speaker of the Illinois House, and Republican Governor Jim Edgar say they'll work together on school finance reform.
  • Black Conservative Wins State Panel Seat

    Published December 8, 1996
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    SPRINGFIELD--A conservative Burr Ridge executive criticized for his views against affirmative action will take a seat on the state community colleges board despite a stormy Senate confirmation. Though Senate Republicans favored Gov.
  • Back to the Health Care Future

    Published November 14, 1996
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    President Clinton has opened the health care reform crypt with his recent announcement of a "National Commission on Health Care Quality." Make no mistake about this.
  • Environment News You Probably Missed

    Published November 8, 1996
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    Coverage of environment issues on television and in newspapers during the past several months has been dominated by partisan politics. The Republicans propose reforms they say would make environmental protection less expensive and more effective.
  • Restoring Fan Loyalty to Professional Sports

    Published August 26, 1996
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    By what right should Congress consider regulating or interfering with the business of professional sports . . . particularly a Congress that is a fierce champion of free markets and free enterprise?
  • Joe Camel Is Innocent!

    Published August 21, 1996
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    Somebody seems to have declared open season on cigarette smokers and their suppliers. On behalf of the 25 percent of the adult population that smokes, may I offer a few words in defense of smoking?
  • A Heartland Letter to People for the American Way

    Published August 20, 1996
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    People for the American Way (PFAW) recently issued a report titled "Buying a Movement: Right-Wing Foundations and American Politics.
  • Is ComEd a Good Pig?

    Published August 19, 1996
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    Commonwealth Edison has been taking some heat lately from journalists and Chicago government officials. Not all of the criticism is deserved.
  • The Future of Chlorine

    Published May 1, 1996
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    Numerous reports in the media have ascribed possible detrimental health effects to chlorine, dioxin and other chlorinated chemicals, often subjecting the public to exaggerated and misleading information.
  • An Unscientific Fairy Tale

    Published April 18, 1996
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    Our Stolen Future by Theo Colborn, Dianne Dumanoski, and John Peterson Myers (New York: Penguin Group, 1996).Our Stolen Future is a book whose arrival was long awaited by activists in the environmental movement.
  • A Fable for Today?

    Published April 18, 1996
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    Our Stolen Future by Theo Colborn, Dianne Dumanoski, and John Peterson Myers (New York: Penguin Group, 1996).
  • The Politics of Chlorine

    Published January 15, 1996
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    A little-noticed provision of the recently passed Senate Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) reauthorization bill is expected to unleash a storm of protest from state and local public health officials who are fearful that the provision would increase the
  • How to Eliminate Billions of Dollars of Pure Waste

    Published December 15, 1995
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    With the introduction into Congress of Rep. Dick Armey's (R-Texas) much-touted flat tax plan, many good arguments will be made about how alternatives to the income tax will promote saving, investment, and economic growth.
  • Affirmative-Action Foe Calls Off Repeal Bill for More Study

    Published November 11, 1995
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    SPRINGFIELD--The conservative Republican lawmaker who last spring called for the repeal of affirmative action programs in Illinois now says the matter needs more study. Sen.
  • The Devolution Revolution

    Published November 10, 1995
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    The winds of change are howling through the halls of American federalism. The states are clamoring to take responsibility for billions of dollars of social welfare programs now controlled by the federal government.
  • Simply Reforming the Income Tax

    Published October 25, 1995
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    Congress finally seems ready to face the fact that the U.S. tax system needs serious reform. Income tax rates are oppressively high and filing is tortuously complicated. The battle cry of tax reformers is "fairness, economic growth, and simplicity.

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