San Francisco Failing in Search for Affordable Renewable Power
Opinion -The city of San Francisco has failed for the second time in one year to find an alternative energy competitor to PG&E’s electricity mix. -
Bedbug Invasions on the Rise in New York City Schools
Opinion -Bedbug invasions are on the rise in New York City public schools, with 1,700 confirmed cases during the past year, according to the latest reports from the New York City Department of Education (DOE). -
Kentucky Senate Approves Building of Nuclear Power Plants
Opinion -The Kentucky Senate has approved a bill to end a moratorium on nuclear power plants being built in the state. The bill, sponsored by Bob Leeper (I-Paducah), passed the Senate on February 8 by a 31-5 vote. -
STANEK: Two Years of Epic Stimulus Failures
Opinion -We’ve just passed the second anniversary of “economic stimulus” under President Obama. Aside from spending on the stimulus itself - the actual price tag soon climbed from $787 billion to $821 billion - not much else has been stimulated. -
Canada Allows Metered Broadband Plans—For Now
Opinion -The network neutrality battles raging in the United States are also in contention north of the border in Canada. -
Heartland Institute Announces Agenda for Reforming TWIA
Opinion -AUSTIN, TX — A new report from The Heartland Institute, a national think tank with offices in Austin, Chicago, Washington, DC, and Tallahassee, Florida, offers an outline for confronting the major problems facing the Texas Windstorm Insurance -
N. Carolina Governor’s Budget Would Renew Sales Tax Hike, Cut Corporate Tax
Opinion -Democratic Gov. Bev Perdue is butting heads with Republican leaders in the North Carolina General Assembly over her proposal to renew a “temporary” 1-cent sales tax hike enacted by lawmakers two years ago. -
MARTIN: Not Above the Law
Opinion -The legal immorality of the Obama administration and its Department of Justice now stands fully exposed. And even some lawyers are shocked.To be sure, many people think lawyers are unethical. -
State Should Target Insurance Lawyers’ ‘Special Bounty’
Opinion -Even if they enjoy the seemingly endless variety of cutesy television commercials advertising it, few Floridians really like paying the quarterly auto insurance bills that will soon show up in their mailboxes. -
Free Market, Environmental, Insurance Groups: Flood Insurance Privatization Is Possible
Opinion -WASHINGTON, DC – Representatives of the free-market, environmental, and insurance interests supportive of changes to the National Flood Insurance Program expressed their support of efforts to strengthen the free market’s role in providing -
Heartland Experts: Citizens Reform Bill Is a Good Start
Opinion -Tallahassee — Experts from The Heartland Institute, a national think tank with offices in Tallahassee, Chicago, Washington, DC, and Austin, Texas, today offered praise for Florida House and Senate bills intended to reform the Florida Citizens -
#262: Alas, Don Berwick
Opinion -Alas, poor Don Berwick, beset on all sides. Who will come to his aid in a time of need? Not, it appears, the Senate Democrats. -
Lawsuit Abuse Fortnightly #10-5
Opinion -The Obama administration is actively aiding and abetting the litigation explosion. Three toll-free hotlines have been set up between the federal government and the American Bar Association (ABA) to refer cases to private lawyers. -
Heartland Institute Experts React to Judge Vinson’s Latest Ruling on Obamacare
Opinion -Heartland Institute Experts React to Judge Vinson’s Latest Ruling on ObamacareU.S. -
Heartland Institute Experts On Florida Supreme Court, Gov. Scott Killing High-Speed Rail
Opinion -The Florida Supreme Court on Friday ruled that Florida Gov. Rick Scott was within his rights to reject $2.4 billion in federal stimulus money to fund new high-speed rail service between Orlando and Tampa. -
Social Security Woes
Opinion -If Jacob Lew, director of the White House's Office of Management and Budget, believes what he wrote, the nation is in even worse trouble than I thought ("Social Security isn't the problem," Opposing view, Retirement debate, Feb. 22). -
Heartland Institute Scholar: “Wait and See on TWIA”
Opinion -AUSTIN, TX — A scholar at The Heartland Institute, a free-market think tank with offices in Austin, Chicago, Washington, DC, and Tallahassee, Florida, says Texans should take a wait-and-see attitude toward the state Department of Insurance’s -
WI, IN Dem Lawmakers Still Hiding to Block Votes on Unions Bills
Opinion -March began as February ended in Wisconsin, with thousands of government workers staging sit-ins at the Wisconsin State Capitol building and more than a dozen Democratic state senators on the lam in Illinois, where runaway lawmakers from Indiana later -
More Spending, Taxes, and Deficits: The Obama’s Budget
Opinion -President Obama’s proposed budget calling for more than $3.7 trillion of spending—including deficit spending of $1.65 trillion—also projects $1. -
San Antonio’s Edgewood Voucher Program Shows Benefits of Choice
Opinion -States, cities, counties, or school districts could use a well-crafted school choice expansion to attract families and businesses at no net fiscal cost—and probably some long-term savings to taxpayers—while also improving their public school -
#261: Flexibility – Loved, Overused, Conflicting
Opinion -“Flexibility.” It’s a word everyone in politics loves. They love it so much, they overuse it, deploying it in situations where it conflicts directly with the facts. -
At NC Meeting, Charter Struggle Compared to Civil Rights Movement
Opinion -The vast majority of the 700 parents, grandparents, and educators crowded into the North Raleigh Hilton Jan. 24 were black. -
Can Monetary Policy Really Create Jobs?
Opinion -Testimony of Richard K. Vedder, distinguished professor of economics at Ohio University, before the House Committee on Financial Services, Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology, Feb. 9, 2011. Chairman Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)Dr. -
Study: Education Savings Accounts Would Create Robust School Choice Options
Opinion -Establishing education savings accounts in Arizona and elsewhere could make school choice a viable option for more families, a new report by the Goldwater Institute argues.