If we can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them, they must become happy.
Thomas Jefferson
No. 7 — June 2004
Water Submetering Would Conserve California’s Water
Point-of-use water submeters are devices capable of reducing water bills for millions of California renters and conserving water to boot. They are not available in California because of state regulations that are out of step with the rest of the country.
No. 6 — March 2004
California’s Prevailing-Wage Laws
California’s prevailing-wage laws, which will affect even more affordable-housing development projects as of January 1, 2004, drive up construction costs, locking many low-income families out of the American Dream of home ownership.
No. 5 — December 2003
California Workers’ Compensation Program
Despite the recent passage of legislation to reform California’s workers’ compensation system, skyrocketing system costs remain a major obstacle to job creation and economic growth in the state. PRI has outlined ideas for fixing this program.
No. 4 — July 2003
University of California Institute for Labor and Employment
While California laments a bad economy and massive budget deficit, organized labor is celebrating recent legislative victories that include paid family leave, changes in overtime rules, and a living-wage law. Bills high on labor’s agenda this year–such as “play or pay” health care and extending unemployment benefits–are moving through the legislature.
No. 3 — July 2003
California Workers’ Compensation Program
The California Workers’ Compensation Program overly rewards doctors and encourages litigation and excessive filing of minor claims.
No. 2 — February 2003
California Victim Compensation Program
The California Victim Compensation Program making victims of crime unknowing victims of the program’s mismanagement.
No. 1 — October 2002
Gov. Gray Davis
California Governor Gray Davis received the first California Golden Fleece Award for leading the state to the fiscal abyss by failing to cut waste from the state budget.