Poll: Nature, Not Humans, Caused Recent Warming

Published March 1, 2009

Less than half of Americans believe human activity is the primary cause of recent global warming, according to a new poll from Rasmussen Reports. Most Americans believe planetary trends or other natural forces are the primary cause of global temperature variations over time.

The telephone survey of 1,000 likely U.S. voters was conducted January 15 and 16. When compared with surveys taken in 2006 and 2008, the current results show the public is rapidly becoming increasingly skeptical of claims human activities are causing a global warming crisis.

According to the new poll, 41 percent of Americans believe humans are the primary cause of global warming. By contrast, 44 percent believe planetary trends are the primary factor, 7 percent believe the primary cause is other factors, and 9 percent are unsure.

Among Republicans, only 23 percent believe humans are the primary cause of recent warming. Among Democrats, 59 percent attributed recent global warming to humans. “Voters not affiliated with either party by eight points put the blame on planetary trends,” Rasmussen Reports observed.

In July 2006, 46 percent of likely voters said humans are the primary cause of global warming, and only 35 percent attributed global warming to planetary forces.

In April 2008, belief in manmade global warming remained strong, as 47 percent of likely voters said humans are the primary cause of global warming, while 34 percent attributed global warming to planetary forces.

E. Jay Donovan ([email protected]) writes from Tampa, Florida.