For busy teachers and administrators, and for computer-savvy parents eager to become more involved in their children’s education, the Internet offers a wide range of information resources.
Prominent among them is Folsom, California-based PowerSchool, at, which offers an easy-to-use, real-time information source for parents, students, and educators. PowerSchool creates a built-in online community around the school, with resources and features that enhance the educational experience and promote deeper involvement by everyone within the school community.
PowerSchool saves time and money for teachers and administrators: It is a cost-effective solution that eliminates manual data entry procedures that often result in error. Student information is submitted electronically and generated instantly with the PowerSchool system, simplifying such administrative tasks as compiling data for transcripts, report cards, attendance, form letters, and state reports. PowerSchool is a flexible, scalable system that offers remote or on-site hosting options for schools and school districts.
Using a secure and confidential log-in, parents and students can access important information online, including grades, attendance records, and assignments. They can also use PowerSchool to communicate directly with teachers via e-mail. From any computer with Internet access (or using a touch-tone phone) a parent can quickly and easily find out if his/her child is sitting safely in class. PowerSchool also offers users an online gateway to educational resources and special community-building features.
“Our objective is to partner with schools to improve the quality and effectiveness of education,” notes PowerSchool’s public relations manager, Jennifer Harrison. “We empower parents, students, parents, and educators with real-time information, relevant assessment tools, and access to educational resources online.”
For more information . . .
visit; call Jennifer Harrison at 916-850-1200; or send email to [email protected].