- At the Representative Assembly of the National Education Association (NEA), New Business Item (NBI) 5 initially called on NEA to oppose the use of Professor William Sanders’ value-added method of measuring student (and teacher) performance. However, a substitute motion passed requiring NEA to study and analyze Sanders’ work–which the union already is doing.
- NEA delegates unanimously passed NBI 10, which called on NEA to oppose federal funding of the American Board for the Certification of Teacher Excellence (ABCTE)–which the union already opposes.
- Delegates passed NBI 12, which requires NEA opposition to the passing of “barrier tests” for grade promotion or high school graduation.
- NEA delegates passed a revised charter school resolution, A-30, placing the word “acceptable” in front of “charter schools,” and defining “acceptable” as meeting the union’s criteria.
Convention Comments by Teacher Union Officials
“[T]he federal government has to recognize that while it has a vital role to play in education, it cannot micromanage 15,215 school districts, with 47.6 million K-12 students, in every state across the country …” — National Education Association President Reg Weaver, commenting on the No Child Left Behind law
“I don’t care where the money comes from.” — National Education Association President Reg Weaver, explaining his philosophy concerning the cost of implementing NEA’s education policy agenda.
“Garbage in, garbage out. America sends us their garbage and then blames Washington for what comes out of Capitol Hill and the White House.” — Joslyn Williams, president of the Washington Metropolitan Labor Council of the AFL-CIO, referring to the members of America’s legislative and executive branches as “garbage.”