The Society for Applied Learning Technology (SALT®), in cooperation with the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), is offering Education Technology 2000 on July 24-26, 2000 at the Crystal Gateway Marriott Hotel in Arlington, Virginia.
Professionals from education, industry, and government will come together to share information on their accomplishments in technology-based learning systems, management systems, research, and applications. The conference will highlight new technologies but also address existing applications that have been successfully utilized for some years.
Session topics include Distance Learning and Technology Systems; Knowledge Management Systems; Technology Applications in Schools and Colleges; Technology in the Fine Arts and Humanities; and Funding Source Development.
In keeping with the format of SALT-sponsored conferences over the past 25 years, attendees at Education Technology 2000 will participate in a meeting format that encourages collegial interchange.
For more information . . .
on the Education Technology 2000 program, or to register, visit SALT®’s Web site at Or contact the organization at 50 Culpeper Street, Warrenton, Virginia 20186; phone 800/457-6812; email [email protected].