San Francisco Radiation Warning Law Prompts Lawsuit

Published May 31, 2016

Passage of San Francisco’s “Cell Phone Right-to-Know” ordinance (see Infotech & Telecom News, August 2010) has been challenged in U.S. District Court. CTIA-The Wireless Association filed the lawsuit to prevent the city from enforcing a law requiring cell-phone manufacturers to label mobile handsets with Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) values.

According to a statement released by CTIA: “[T]he message conveyed by the San Francisco ordinance to consumers is that the FCC’s standards are insufficient and that the safety of an FCC-authorized wireless device depends on its SAR level. Therefore, the ordinance contradicts the thorough review of the science by the FCC, FDA and other U.S. and international expert agencies, and will send consumers the false message that there is a safety difference between wireless devices that comply with the FCC’s stringent standards.”

Internet Info:

CTIA complaint:

CTIA statement: