Friday’s ed news
South Carolina is poised to become the 23rd school choice state.
Early this morning, Wisconsin’s legislature also passed a school vouchers expansion inside the state budget.
The Michigan Senate approved a bill allowing the state to dissolve financially insolvent school districts.
Common Core is causing headaches for teacher evaluations and job stability in Maryland.
Wyoming lawmakers are considering impeaching the state superintendent.
Trying to give Tennessee schools more flexibility in teacher pay schedules is angering unions.
Georgia high schools will shift towards workforce preparation.
Thursday: Out of the Office
Wednesday’s ed news
U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan will let states postpone tying student test scores to teacher evaluations for one year as Common Core tests phase in.
Seventy percent of U.S. K-12 schools don’t have the bandwidth for Common Core tests.
Forty members of Congress introduce a constitutional amendment to protect parents’ right to direct their children’s upbringing and education.
Indiana’s state superintendent says Common Core will not enter second- through twelfth-grade classrooms this fall.
Maine Democrats attempt to repeal A-F school grading.
Organizations outside schools, like businesses and community organizations, now have a way to give kids learning credentials through Open Badges.
Public-sector unions tell Illinois lawmakers they’re making no deal on the state’s hugely indebted pension system.
To help disadvantaged children and deliver a giant boost to the economy, we should fire the worst 10 percent of teachers.
Texas has outlawed Common Core national education standards.
Why reform math is anti-progressive.
Tuesday’s ed news
Michigan’s governor has signed the state budget, which prohibits funds for Common Core.
A bill to repeal Common Core has hit New York.
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal signs a new kind of Parent Trigger into law.
A New Hampshire court rules that tax-credit scholarship students may not attend religious schools.
Chicago Public Schools will lay off 663 employees because of school closures.
U.S. teacher training is of poor quality, a comprehensive nationwide review finds.
Texas parents celebrate a new law reducing mandatory testing.
What kind of learning is really the most natural?
School choice will force teachers unions to change, says a former union leader.
Monday’s ed news
The Arizona legislature passes a voucher expansion.
Republicans undercut Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s voucher expansion, the Wall Street Journal decries.
Texas passes a law effectively banning Common Core.
Common Core resistance hits South Carolina.
A Colorado school district is first in the nation to pay teachers according to the district’s need for them.
In Nebraska, transgender students can now change school sports teams.
More private schools are receiving public money for preschool.
More public schools adopt the International Baccalaureate program to raise achievement and compete with private and charter schools.
Colorado approves an online, statewide school.
Nevada ties teacher evaluations to student achievement.
Forty-seven years later, federal preschool program Head Start still supposedly “has potential.”
For last week’s School Reform News roundup, click here.
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Image by Mo Riza.