Science Director Jay Lehr on Dobbs, Limbaugh

Published December 29, 2008

Heartland Science Director Jay Lehr appeared on Lou Dobbs Tonight on CNN December 18 to debunk the charge that global warming was causing what Dobbs thought was an unusual spate of bad weather–snow, ice, cold–in some areas.

Lehr was having none of it–and neither was a second guest on the same segment, CNN meterologist Chad Myers.

The segment featuring the skeptical duo receive international distribution, including a story on The Drudge Report, with its millions of daily visitors, plus news coverage in several print and online newspapers, including Weather Underground, Business & Media Institute, the WBAL-1090 AM Ron Smith show in Baltimore and in Palm Desert, California.

Lehr’s appearance was followed up the next day by Rush Limbaugh, who summed up the views of Jay and Chad this way: “Shazam!”