Chairman of Senate Environment and Public Works Committee to Deliver
Breakfast Keynote on Thursday, June 11
U.S. Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK), chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, will open the Tenth International Conference on Climate Change (#ICCC10) with a breakfast keynote speech at the Washington Court Hotel in Washington, DC on Thursday, June 11, at 8:00 a.m.
The two-day conference, hosted by The Heartland Institute, will explore the following important questions:
■ Is climate science sufficiently advanced to allow accurate forecasts of future temperatures and weather?
■ Are temperatures more likely to cool than warm in the next century?
■ Should policies adopted at the height of the global warming scare be repealed and replaced with pro-environment, pro-energy, and pro-jobs policies?
■ Given the new science and economics of climate change, isn’t it time for a fresh start to the debate over what, if anything, to do about global warming?
Register to attend as media at this link.
During his tenure in Congress, Inhofe has forged a distinguished legislative record on a diverse range of issues. He may be best known for his work to stop Congress from imposing an economy-wrecking climate tax on the American people through his position as chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. Inhofe is a lifelong Oklahoman who grew up in Tulsa and graduated from the University of Tulsa with a degree in economics.
This is the second time Inhofe has addressed attendees at a climate conference sponsored by The Heartland Institute, speaking previously at ICCC3 in Washington, DC in 2009.
Among other things, conference speakers will discuss:
■ Satellite data that show the global atmospheric temperature has not risen since the late 1990s – 18 years and four months, to be exact – while human carbon dioxide emissions over that period represent 25 percent of all emissions since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, which began 150 years ago.
■ Sea-level rise that has not accelerated beyond the trend that began at the end of the previous ice age.
■ The total amount of polar ice at the two poles is almost unchanged since satellites first measured it in the early 1970s.
Some of the policy questions the conference will explore and discuss:
■ Is the rising concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere a net positive or net negative for plant life, animals, and human prosperity?
■ What is the cost of restrictions on energy generation and consumption imposed by the Obama administration and the United Nations?
■ Is it moral to withhold affordable and reliable energy from the impoverished living in the United States and those in developing countries?
This event is open to the public. Paid registration is required.
To see videos from The Heartland Institute’s nine previous International Conferences on Climate Change, click here.
For more information about The Heartland Institute, visit our website. For personal responses to inquiries, contact Director of Communications Jim Lakely at [email protected] or 312/377-4000.