Software How-Tos Available for Kids

Published June 1, 2001

For over 15 years, Children’s Software Press has reviewed and evaluated children’s software products in its Children’s Software newsletter. Thousands of parents and teachers turn to the company–not only for information about what’s new on the market, but also for ideas on how to help children get the most out of technology.

Five years ago, Children’s Software Press launched an inexpensive brochure series (most titles are $4). Starting with a much-needed guide for students on how to cite electronic sources, the most recent edition in the series tackles the question of how to write a “Paperless Paper”–a concise look at how the computer can be a helpmate to students in the research process from conception to final product.

Other booklets in the series explore how to use digital cameras in the classroom, computer craft projects, detecting misinformation on the Web, and Internet safety. Upcoming topics in the series include student guides to writing a book report with the help of a computer, making a presentation with technology aids, and tackling current events assignments using the Web.

For more information . . .

on the products and services offered by Children’s Software Press, visit its Web site at or call 713-467-8686. Children’s Software is located at 720 Kuhlman Road, Houston TX 77024.