Wednesday’s ed news
TEXAS: A GOP candidate for governor supports charter schools but avoids talking vouchers.
AUSTRALIA: Lawmakers propose monitoring children from birth to prevent crime.
PISA: Reactions on the international test results: Being mediocre doesn’t matter. Mediocre results don’t justify nationalizing education. Poverty isn’t the problem. And a general overview. All the charlatans come out for their say. The entire enterprise is a waste of time.
GEORGIA: How will lawmakers give science and math students a path to that major in college if Common Core won’t?
OHIO: A lawmaker proposes to require that 35 percent of a teacher’s evaluation rest on student test scores, rather than the current 50 percent.
MICHIGAN: Here’s the story of a teacher who wants to leave her union and can’t, despite a right-to-work law.
ARIZONA: The feds threaten the state for not having a teacher evaluation system the feds like.
PENNSYLVANIA: Lawmakers consider loosening the state’s teacher furlough law, anticipating cuts.
Tuesday’s ed news
INTERNATIONAL: International test scores are out today, and the Obama administration has chosen to release the U.S. results early only to advocacy groups, not impartial observers.
GEORGIA: A public school superintendent says “There’s nothing more [in line with] local control … than choosing where your kids go to school.”
GERMANY: The Supreme Court orders the Obama administration to respond to a German homeschool family’s plea for asylum.
OKLAHOMA: Why lawmakers should expand school choice and ditch government preschool.
SOUTH CAROLINA: A local school district considers having a successful private school run a failing public school.
NORTH CAROLINA: A gay advocacy group tries to prevent a Christian school from receiving vouchers for requiring students to uphold Christian teachings about sexuality.
LOUISIANA: Nearly half the students receiving a state voucher attend D- or F-rated private schools.
FLORIDA: The state’s teacher rating system rates thousands of teachers on students and subjects they have never taught.
COMMON CORE: How a Common Core history textbook treats World War II.
ALABAMA: A state lawmaker introduces legislation to remove government regulation of private schools.
Monday’s ed news
INDIANA: State legislative leaders plan to pass legislation that will drop Common Core completely for Indiana standards.
WISCONSIN: Conservative groups urge Gov. Walker to reject Common Core.
NEW JERSEY: So many students take advantage of an inter-district choice program that the state may move to limit it.
SCHOOL CHOICE: Educating not just kids, but also parents.
PENNSYLVANIA: Teacher pensions will cost a fifth of payroll in the coming school year, squeezing out spending on classrooms.
NEW HAMPSHIRE: New federal lunch rules force children to take piles of food they don’t want to eat.
CALIFORNIA: The state takes a foolish approach to transgender students, harming privacy for all students in the process.
EDTECH: How one teacher uses a Google Glass recording device in her classrooms.
KANSAS: Another small school district decides to drop its teachers union affiliation.
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Image by Mo Riza.