How long of a tide gauge data set is needed to be able to accurately evaluate the magnitude of any global warming that may have been driven by human activities?… Read More
Real-World Rapid Evolutionary Response to Recent Real-World Warming (27 Aug 2013)
The authors of this study conclude that “a rapid evolutionary response to temperature modifications can occur where genetic variation is combined with a change in a previously strong selection pressure, even for a perennial woody plant”… Read More
Intraspecific Variation: Helping Species Survive Climate Change (27 Aug 2013)
Writing in Ecology and Evolution, Oney et al. note that species distribution modeling (SDM) is “an important tool to assess the impact of global environmental change.” However, they say that many species exhibit ecologically relevant intraspecific variation, but that “few studies have analyzed its relevance for species distribution modeling.” And, therefore, in an attempt to add to those few studies and enlarge upon their significance, the four researchers compared the results of three SDM techniques as applied to the highly variable lodgepole pine tree… Read More
Rainfall Measurements Throughout Northeast India: AD 1871-2008 (27 Aug 2013)
In a sizeable region of the world (India) that warmed in a way that was “broadly consistent with the global trend and magnitude” over the Little Ice Age-to-Current Warm Period transition, there was no sign of any significant change in precipitation that might otherwise have been attributed to global warming, which finding stands in stark contrast to the climate-model-based mantra of the world’s climate alarmists… Read More
The Multiple Impacts of “Ocean Acidification” on a Tropical Coral (28 Aug 2013)
Contrary to what many have long contended, there is mounting evidence that suggests that the negative consequences predicted for the world’s marine life in a future high-CO2 world are by no means assured, nor are they likely to be widespread… Read More
How Blue Mussels Tolerate Seawater of High CO2 Partial Pressure (28 Aug 2013)
In the concluding paragraph of their paper, Thomsen et al. state that their study demonstrates “a high inherent resilience of calcifying benthic communities in an estuarine, eutrophic habitat to elevated seawater pCO2,” where “food supply, and not pCO2, appears to be the primary factor driving biomass and biogenic CaCO3 production, as well as community structure”… Read More
Two Millennia of Climate Change on the Northern Tibetan Plateau (28 Aug 2013)
The ten Chinese researchers who conducted this study report that “relative warm/cold periods can be clearly identified [in the record], including the current warm period after AD 1850, the LIA between AD 1350-1850, the MWP between AD 700-1350, the Dark Ages Cold Period between AD 50-700, and the warm period before AD 50,” which is often referred to as the Roman Warm Period… Read More
Davis Strait Polar Bears: Too Many Bears or Not Enough Sea Ice? (28 Aug 2013)
A recent study determined that the Davis Strait subpopulation of polar bears has increased substantially since the 1970s but surprisingly, biologists could not determine whether low reproductive rates were caused by too many bears or reduced amounts of sea ice in summer… Read More