The Ohio Legislature sent a proposed state budget to Gov. John Kasich (R). The budget does not include funding for the Common Core-aligned tests from the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC).
Kasich has the power of line-item veto in Ohio. He is a staunch supporter of the Common Core State Standards. There is no indication yet on whether he will sign the section defunding PARCC.
Kasich’s school funding change was defeated as reported by The Columbus Dispatch:
The governor’s move to eliminate funding guarantees for public schools and base state funding on their ability to raise taxes locally also was largely dismantled, with the House and Senate ensuring that no district loses state aid.
Education Week also reports that the final budget language was changed, with the phrase “nationally normed, standardized assessments” eliminated.
Kasich will answer the question on dumping or keeping PARCC soon enough.
UPDATE: Kasich signed the budget bill and allowed PARCC elimination to stand. Ohio is now officially out of PARCC.