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How to Replace Justice Scalia on the Supreme Court
Rob Natelson, American Spectator
Antonin Scalia’s death last year meant the loss of a prolific “originalist” on the United States Supreme Court. President-elect Donald Trump has promised to replace him with another conservative justice, but other presidents have promised that in the past – only to see the justice-for-life “grow” in office by moving to the left. If Trump follows these six tips from Heartland’s Rob Natelson, the chances of continuing Scalia’s judicial legacy greatly improve. READ MORE
Roadmap for the 21st Century: Welfare Reform, Education
The Heartland Institute and National Tax Limitation Foundation has released the two latest chapters of the Roadmap for the 21st Century, which serves as a handbook for the Trump administration and reform-minded state and federal elected officials. The paper on welfare reform outlines how America can finally win the War on Poverty, and the paper on education describes how choice and competition can improve student achievement and boost economic growth. READ MORE
New York Times Wants to Erase ‘Heartland’
Jim Lakely, Freedom Pub
The New York Times produces a weekly “Top 10” list of its favorite comments appearing on its website. One of those comments from last week was by a reader calling herself “Maggie Mae” who wrote, “the entire concept of ‘the Heartland’ needs to be scrapped.” Her complaint was really about the Electoral College electing Donald Trump president despite Hillary Clinton winning by big margins in Los Angeles and New York City… and only in those two liberal greenhouses. READ MORE
Featured Podcast: Seth Whitehead: Study on the Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing on Water Resources
Seth Whitehead of Energy In Depth joins Research Fellow Isaac Orr to discuss the final version of the Environmental Protection Agency’s six-year, $29 million study on the effects of hydraulic fracturing on water resources. Whitehead and Orr say EPA is putting politics ahead of science to keep the fracking scare going. LISTEN TO MORE
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The Dakota Access Pipeline Must Be Built
Bette Grande, RedState
There are 1,079 existing crude-oil-pipeline river crossings in North Dakota and more than 38,000 in the United States. So why did Neil Young, Leonardo DiCaprio, and thousands of hired protestors get so worked up about a single water crossing in south-central North Dakota? Why wasn’t there any outrage in Williston and countless other towns when the pipeline crossed their waterways? Because the alt-left doesn’t care about water quality. It cares about shutting down energy production. READ MORE
Government’s War on Bitcoin Bank Illustrates Need for Currency Innovation
Jesse Hathaway, Townhall
Bitcoin, a digital currency and alternative to the dollar, is under siege by the federal government. The IRS subpoenaed the personal information of customers from the bitcoin exchange company Coinbase in an attempt to exert its authority over a sovereign system. The government’s ability to make illogical arguments in the pursuit of quashing a rival method of paying for products and services exemplifies why currency competition benefits consumers. READ MOR
Trump Cabinet Picks Indicate New Climate Sheriff in Town
H. Sterling Burnett, Climate Change Weekly
President-elect Donald Trump’s picks for key cabinet and administration posts show he was serious about reining in environmental regulations and instituting sensible climate and energy policies. By picking Rick Perry for Secretary of Energy and Ryan Zinke for Secretary of the Interior, Trump is ensuring sound science will inform policy again in Washington, DC. READ MORE
The Case for Licensing Dental Therapists in North Dakota
Michael Hamilton, Bette Grande, John Davidson, Heartland Policy Brief
A joint publication of The Heartland Institute and Texas Public Policy Foundation, this Policy Brief makes a case for the licensing of dental therapists in North Dakota to improve access to basic and preventative oral care. The authors urge North Dakota to follow the example set in Maine, Minnesota, and Vermont, which have proven that licensing dental therapists is a win-win for residents and dentistry professionals. READ MORE
Teachers Unions Given an Extra Week to Criticize Betsy DeVos
Teresa Mull, School Choice Weekly
The U.S. Senate is going to take up the nomination of Betsy Devos for Secretary of Education on Tuesday, January 17. This gives teachers unions, which are staunchly opposed to the school-choice champion, more time to collect ammunition. But the nation’s desire for school choice, reflected in the election of Donald Trump, will prove too much for even the powerful teachers unions to thwart. READ MORE
Bonus Podcast: Repeal CON Laws, Protect Direct Primary Care in 2017
This special edition of the Health Care News Podcast finds Heartland’s Michael Hamilton in the guest’s seat during The Doctor’s Lounge Radio Show. Dr. Mike Koriwchak, vice president at the Docs4PatientCare Foundation, asked Hamilton which free-market health care policy reforms state lawmakers should achieve early in 2017. Top of the list: Repeal certificate of need laws in as many states as possible. LISTEN TO MORE
For a Clean Sweep in DC, Hire Newt
Peter Ferrara, Daily Caller
Donald Trump has been pursuing an “all-star” cast for his cabinet. Most of us can’t believe just how focused, dedicated, competent, and committed these people are to good policy and streamlined government, as well as to restoration of constitutional discipline and separation of powers, not to mention common sense and family values. But if he really wants to make a clean sweep of Washington, DC, Trump needs one more hire who has experience with that task: Newt Gingrich. READ MORE
New Webpage on Wikipedia’s Lies
Now there is a single website that collects dozens of articles, including scholarly research, on how Wikipedia, the “free encyclopedia,” is actually the fake encyclopedia. Wikipedia is the first place millions of people go to learn about organizations and individuals they hear about in the news or online, but the profiles posted there are biased, unreliable, and often libelous. The Heartland Institute’s Wikipedia profile contains many lies and errors, but we are not alone: thousands of profiles have been similarly hacked by leftist activists. READ MORE