Browse Heartland
No. 21 Economic Impact Studies: Inaccurate, Misleading, And Unnecessary
Publication -Policy Studies -"It's not what we don't know that hurts. It's what we know that just ain't true. -
No. 20 The Private Video Library: A Bright Beginning, An Uncertain Future
Publication -Policy Studies -The popularity of the video cassette recoder (VCR) has given rise to a new economic phenomenon: the video store. -
No. 19 Auto Safety Regulations: Hazardous To Your Health?
Publication -Policy Studies -Safety is a value pursued by nearly everyone. We want to be safe. We don't want to be exposed to undue risk. We take precautions. We buy safety devices. We read books or articles on safety issues. -
No. 18 Weight-Distance Fees For Heavy Trucks: A Market Approach to Highway Pricing
Publication -Policy Studies -Transportation in the United States-- from municipal bus and subway operations to highways, railroads, and airlines--has endured a history of government-imposed pricing policies that require some users to subsidize others. -
No. 17 – Tenant Control Of Public Housing: New Hope For Cabrini-Green
Publication -Policy Studies -Chicago's Cabrini-Green is "probably the most notorious public housing project in the nation. -
No. 16 Tax Climate In Wisonsin: An Analysis Of State and Local Taxes
Publication -Policy Studies -Tax policies in Wisconsin are often the subject of long and frequently acrimonious debates. People disagree as to how high taxes are, who pays them, and what effect they have on economic development in the state. -
No. 15 Corrections and the Private Sector: A Guide for Public Officals
Publication -Policy Studies -Faced with rising prison populations, court-mandated reforms, and voter rejection of bond issues, many government agencies are investigating the potential of private sector corrections services. -
Selective Tax Abatements: Do They Work?
Publication -Policy Studies -Heartland Policy Study No. -
No. 12 Michigan In The Current Recovery: A Historical Prespective
Publication -Policy Studies -Michigan's heritage is one of economic strength. In the past decade, however, Michigan has fallen to a position of relative weakness. -
No. 9 Access To Quality: Private Schools In Chicago’s Inner City
Publication -Policy Studies -Inner-city parents all across America are breaking away from large government monoplies in education. -
No. 8 Privatization Of Public Functions: Promises And Problems
Publication -Policy Studies -During the 1970s the majority of American states adopted restrictions on the ability of states and local governments to spend. -
No. 6 Comparison Of Privately & Publicly Owned Sports Arenas And Stadiums
Publication -Policy Studies -Local and state government officials have long argued that the presence of a major league professional sports team elevates the public perception of the host city and improves its economic and cultural life. -
No. 2 Private Sector Participation in Chicago Mass Transit
Publication -Policy Studies -This study explores some of the implications of private transportation firms competing in markets traditionally served only by a government monopoly. -
Hayek on Forced Credit Expansion
Opinion -“Instead of furthering the inevitable liquidation of the maladjustments brought about by the boom during the last three years, all conceivable means have been used to prevent that readjustment from taking place; and one of these means, which has