Stopping Socialism Exclusive: Socialist Candidates Won More Seats Than Ever in 2020 Election
The list includes candidates for U.S. House, U.S. Senate, and state legislative seats endorsed by Our Revolution, the Democratic Socialists of America, and/or the Progressive Democrats of America. The biggest takeaway is that the far-left progressive and socialist wings of the Democratic Party gained significant ground in 2020, compared to past elections. Read Now.
Latest Bullying and School Violence Survey Shows North Carolina Students Need Child Safety Accounts
In his latest Research & Commentary, Tim Benson reviews the results of the biennial Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The report shows that 18.9 percent of North Carolina high school students were bullied in 2019, emphasizing the Tar Heel State’s need for child safety accounts. Read full R&C here.
Has Michigan’s Governor Overstepped Her Bounds?
AnneMarie Schieber reviews the recent Michigan Supreme Court decision that ruled Gov. Whitmer’s coronavirus executive orders are unconstitutional. Schieber discusses an instance where a chiropractor in Grand Haven had his practice shut down because he allowed patients to determine if they wanted to mask up or not. She also addresses a pending lawsuit that bars children from attending school, unless they wear a mask. Listen Now.
COVID-19 State-Specific Economic Response Consulting
Are you searching for help with state-specific solutions to undo the damage wrought by governor’s executive orders and excessive lockdowns in response to the coronavirus pandemic? Contact State Government Relations Manager Samantha Fillmore to learn more about solutions for economic reopening in your state.
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