Browse Heartland
Carbon Capture and Storage Projects: The Threat To Property Rights
Publication -Policy Tip Sheets -Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is one of the latest methods climate activists are using to combat greenhouse gases and achieve “net-zero” carbon dioxide emissions. Government-funded CCS companies manage projects that capture CO2 emissions at their source and condense carbon dioxide into a liquid-like “supercritical” state. The liquified CO2 is then transported through pipelines or […] -
New Paper by The Heartland Institute Dissects How Carbon Capture and Storage Projects Threaten Property Rights
Opinion -Press Release -Capturing and storing carbon dioxide is also a massive waste of resources and causes other harms. -
Carbon Capture & Property Rights: There Is No Justification for Using Carbon Capture and Storage Projects to Abrogate Property Rights
Publication -Policy Studies -Carbon capture and storage projects pose an immense threat to private property rights, among other significant problems. CCS can and should be opposed at both the state and federal levels of government. -
The Practical Impossibility of Large-Scale Carbon Capture and Storage
Opinion -The Environmental Protection Agency is working on a new rule that would set stringent limits on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from US power plants. But the cost of capture and the amount of CO2 that proponents say needs to be captured crush any ideas about feasibility. -
Policy Tip Sheet: Do Not Subsidize Expensive “Carbon Capture and Storage” Technologies
Publication -Policy Tip Sheets -Do Not Subsidize Expensive “Carbon Capture and Storage” Technologies -
Carbon Dioxide Pipeline Battle: Seize Land for Green Energy?
Opinion -A battle is underway in five Midwest states over construction of carbon dioxide (CO2) pipelines as part of the green energy transition. Opposition to wide-area pipeline networks is rising from farms and communities. But utilities and state governments intend to seize land over landowner protests. On June 25, the Iowa Utilities Board (IUB) granted the petition of […] -
Climate Change Weekly #512: Carbon Dioxide Levels and Warming Aren’t a Problem, New Study Says
Opinion -CLINTEL's research directly refutes claims made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report. -
Climate Change Weekly #479: Hot Summer Due to Many Factors—Carbon Dioxide Emissions Are Not One of Them
Opinion -Let’s state the obvious and get it out of the way. It’s hot out there. Yeah, it’s summer and summer is typically hot, but it has as a matter of fact been “hotter than [usual in] July” across much of the globe. -
Slight, beneficial warming from more carbon dioxide!
Opinion -Editorial -Exhaustive study finds more CO2 and water molecules will not cause dangerous warming -
Cut Carbon Dioxide, Cause Misery
Opinion -Editorial, Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #372 -
Xcel Energy Commits to Zero Carbon-Dioxide Emission Electricity by 2050
Opinion -environment-climate-news -Xcel Energy, one of the nation’s largest investor-owned utilities, has committed to producing 100 percent carbon-dioxide-free electricity in its eight-state Western and Midwestern service area by 2050. -
EPA Proposes Easing Carbon Dioxide Emission Standards for Coal Power Plants
Opinion -environment-climate-news -The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has proposed significantly loosening the standards limiting carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fueled power plants. -
Obama Carbon Colonialism and Climate Corruption Continue, Part 3
Opinion -Editorial -USAID climate and sustainability policies perpetuate disease and malnutrition in poor countries. -
Teaching the Judiciary About the Benefits of Carbon Dioxide
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #287 -
When It Comes to a Carbon Tax, There’s No Such Thing as a Free Lunch
Opinion -Editorial -New York Times op-ed writer and former editor Tina Rosenberg cites the United Kingdom’s allegedly positive experience imposing a carbon tax of more than $20 per ton of CO2 as proof that such policies can save consumers a bundle of money. -
Proposed Mass. Carbon Reduction Bill Could Increase Emissions in Nearby States
Opinion -environment-climate-news -A court-ordered clean energy plan to reduce carbon-dioxide emissions in Massachusetts could increase emissions for the whole New England region. -
Reasons to Oppose a Carbon Tax
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #216 On June 10, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution sponsored by Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) expressing the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would harm the economy and should not be enacted. -
Heartland Institute Experts React to U.S. House Passing Anti-Carbon Tax Resolution
Opinion -Press Release -Heartland Institute Experts React to U.S. -
Top Climate Skeptics Captured in One Book: Review of Climate Change The Facts
Opinion -Reviewed by Jay Lehr Climate Change The Facts, Edited by Alan Moran; Stockade Books, April 21, 2015, 336 pages: ISBN-10: 0986398306, ISBN-13: 978-0986398308: $15.71 on Amazon. -
Research & Commentary: Illinois Low Carbon Portfolio Standard
Publication -Research and Commentaries -Exelon has threatened to shut down three of its six Illinois nuclear power plants because they are unprofitable without government assistance. -
Photographer Captures Alarmists’ Frightened Faces
Opinion -The Huffington Post published a humorous article Monday titled, “Photographer Captures Scientists’ Frightened Responses to Climate Change Discussions. -
McConnell Files Resolution to Block EPA Carbon Dioxide Regulations
Opinion -U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) filed a resolution of disapproval in an effort to block U.S. Environmental Protection Agency plans to severely restrict carbon dioxide emissions from newly constructed power plants. -
National Academies of Science Study: Fracking Captures 99 Percent of Methane
Opinion -Containment measures employed by energy production companies capture 99 percent of the methane released by natural gas fracking operations, scientists report in a peer-reviewed study published by the National Academy of Sciences. -
Obama’s Words on Carbon Dioxide, Drilling Contradict His Actions
Opinion -In his much-hyped speech Tuesday, President Obama promised executive action – including greater regulations on the coal industry and approval of the Keystone Pipeline only if its “net effect on our climate” is not significant – to reduce the emissions of