It’s Time to Retire the Payroll Number
Opinion -I’m a Reagan Republican. But I don’t think my lens is dirty. It’s time to retire the payroll number. -
Proposed Violence Against Women Act Revisions Could Cost States Billions in Unemployment Benefits
Opinion -budget-tax-news, Editorial -Legislators in many states are considering bills that would reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) on the state level, jeopardizing the solvency of state Unemployment Insurance trust funds -
On-line Lambda School Offers Students Income Share Agreements in lieu of Tuition
Opinion -budget-tax-news, school-reform-news -For-profit schools like Lambda are an important alternative to traditional universities that impose a heavy financial burden on students. -
The Next Step in Health Care Reform: Health Financing Accounts
Opinion -Dr. Roger Beauchamp says Americans should go a step further than health savings accounts, with 'health financing accounts' (HFAs). -
Ohio Legislature Considers Occupational-Licensing Reciprocity Bill
Opinion -budget-tax-news -Recognizing other states' licenses would remove barriers to employment, says sponsor. -
Ohio Experts Recommend Steps to Reduce the Economic/Financial Hardships of COVID-19
Opinion -budget-tax-news -The Buckeye Institute recommends actions to reduce the negative economic impact of the COVID-19 Epidemic on Ohio's Economy. -
Pennsylvania Legislators Consider Occupational Licensing Reforms
Opinion -budget-tax-news -Access to steady employment is necessary to reduce recidivism, but Pennsylvania, like many states, has made it exceedingly difficult for ex-felons to reenter the workforce. -
Robust Economy Is Lifting People Out of Poverty, Census Bureau Reports
Opinion -budget-tax-news -Overall, more people are employed, and they are working more hours on the job, the Census Bureau reports. -
Strike Against GM Ends, UAW President Resigns Amid Corruption Probe
Opinion -budget-tax-news -GM lost billions, and workers gained little. -
California Reclassifies Contractors as Employees, Targeting the Sharing Economy
Opinion -budget-tax-news -A.B. 5 is expected to affect up to one million contract workers statewide and upend the business models of ridesharing platforms such as Uber and Lyft. -
Commentary: Thanks to Trump, Seven Million Americans Have Quit Food Stamps
Opinion -budget-tax-news -The booming economy is the primary driver of the dramatic decrease. -
Labor Department Proposes Industry-Led Apprenticeship Programs
Opinion -budget-tax-news, school-reform-news -Currently, the private sector is largely excluded from creating certified apprenticeship programs, which are led by unions and local and state government entities. -
Report: Project Labor Agreements Have Cost New Jersey Taxpayers Half a Billion Dollars Since 2002
Opinion -budget-tax-news -Beacon Hill Institute: Project Labor Agreements (PLAs) for government infrastructure construction have cost New Jersey taxpayers more than half a billion dollars by inflating the cost of government construction projects. -
Louisiana State Bar Association Sued over Mandatory Dues
Opinion -budget-tax-news -"In Louisiana and 29 other states, those who practice law are being denied their First Amendment rights not to speak, not to associate with a group against their will, and not to pay for others’ political advocacy.” -
Congress Considers Union-Supported Labor Law Rewrite
Opinion -budget-tax-news -The Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act working its way through Congress. -
Big Corporations Make the American Dream Possible, Despite Candidates’ Claims
Opinion -budget-tax-news -Millions of Americans seem to think large corporations have made the American Dream possible. -
New Michigan Rule Extends Licensure Mandate, Fees to More Midwives
Opinion -News -Certified professional midwives in Michigan are now subject to a state occupational licensure requirement. -
New York Legislature Passes Sweeping Farm Labor Regulations
Opinion -budget-tax-news -The New York state law requires farms to allow workers to engage in collective bargaining rights and would impose overtime pay requirements and eligibility for unemployment insurance and workers’ compensation. -
High Housing Costs Drive Exodus to Exurbs
Opinion -budget-tax-news -Smaller cities in the United States are growing much more quickly than large ones, reversing a trend earlier in the 2010-2019 decade. -
Trump Administration Proposes More Flexible Apprenticeship Rules
Opinion -budget-tax-news, school-reform-news -The U.S. Department of Labor proposes a rule to expand access to apprenticeships. -
Arizona Becomes First State to Recognize Others’ Occupational Licenses Without Requiring Reciprocity
Opinion -budget-tax-news -The new law covers a wide array of professions, including health care, dentistry, construction, real estate, cosmetology, teaching, accounting, engineering, and embalming. -
California Legislature Considers Giving Strikers Unemployment Benefits
Opinion -A proposed law would allow striking workers to collect unemployment benefits even though they have jobs at which they are not working. -
$15 Federal Minimum Wage Could Cost 3.7 Million Jobs, CBO Reports
Opinion -budget-tax-news -The Raise the Wage Act would also eliminate the federal minimum wage for tipped workers. -
Florida Legislature Fails to Pass Bill to Deregulate Occupational Licensing
Opinion -budget-tax-news -Gov. Ron DeSantis has made occupational licensing reform a focus of his legislative agenda.