The Subprime Crisis in Historical Perspective
Opinion -In recent weeks, it has become difficult to avoid news media warnings of economic calamity stemming from the subprime housing market collapse. -
Expert Comments: Addressing America’s Credit Crisis
Opinion -(CHICAGO, Illinois - December 21, 2007) On December 18, the Federal Reserve proposed new rules designed to ease the country’s credit crisis and address what it deems to be deception and fraud in mortgage lending. -
Subprime Rate Freeze: A Force Fed Solution?
Opinion -The subprime mortgage crisis has affected the overall economy as well as the lives of individual people nationwide. Families from coast to coast have been forced out of their homes by escalating interest rates on mortgages they no longer can afford. -
Strange Bedfellows Insist on Transparency
Opinion -When the conservative Eagle Forum and the liberal National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) come together on an issue, there's no doubt it's a position that bridges a broad range of political perspectives. -
Subsidizing Disaster
Opinion -The Clinton administration, hard at work to avert the horrors of global warming and urban sprawl, also has been busy passing out disaster relief money like it was campaign literature.