Government & Politics
GOP Abandons Conservatives
Opinion -The Medicare prescription drug bill passed by Congress in late November may prove to be a watershed event for political conservatives in America. -
Frugal South Carolina Governor Finds State Government a Tough Sell
Opinion -On a recent trip to West Virginia, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford (R) decided to save his state a few dollars by booking one hotel room for both him and his press secretary. Problem is, the room had only one bed. -
Massachusetts Governor Gets Passing Grade
Opinion -Having fended off pressure to raise taxes in the face of a FY 2003 budget shortfall, Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is earning good grades. -
The Romney Report Card
Opinion -Neutrality Avoiding taxes and expenditures that distort private choices and discourage economic activity. A- Equity Achieving fairness in taxes and expenditures; secure the social safety net. -
European Scientists Reject EU Biotech Ban
Opinion -Leading scientific academies in Britain and France have expressed support for a multinational World Trade Organization suit against the European Union’s ban on genetically improved crops. -
4,000+ Scientists Sign Petition Supporting Biotech
Opinion -More than 4,000 international scientists have signed an endorsement of genetically improved crops, a panel of scientists announced at a May 13 press conference. -
Potential GOP Senate Candidates Speak at Forum
Opinion -More than 200 people attended the 2003 Chicago Conservative Conference on Saturday, May 17. The Heartland Institute cohosted the event with nearly a dozen leading conservative and libertarian groups. -
The Many Faces of Conservatism
Opinion -Speech delivered at the 26th Annual Black Studies Conference Olive-Harvey College Chicago, Illinois April 24, 2003 Good afternoon. Thank you Professor Allen for that kind introduction. -
Africans Starve Rather than Accept Bounty of GM Corn
Opinion -I grow poison on my farm, feed it to my family, and sell it to unsuspecting consumers in the U.S. and around the world. That's what the president of Zambia seems to think. -
Measure 27: Oregon’s War Against Biotech
Opinion -The voters of Oregon, who long have marched to their own drum beat, are being tempted by radical anti-capitalist groups to adopt a policy that would have terrible consequences for the nation and the world. -
Table One: Mid-Level Home Prices and City and Urban Area Growth
Opinion -Table One:Mid-Level Home Prices and City and Urban Area Growth Percent Growth 1990-2000 Price of Mid-Level Home City Urban Area Palo Alto $1,263,250 5 7 San Francisco 891,000 7 6 Oakland 649,333 7 6 Boston 628,333 3 45 Boulder -
Farming Equals Polluting, Court Says
Opinion -After receiving a battery of briefs seeking its review, the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to decide the important issue of whether the Clean Water Act (CWA) regulates the farming practice known as “deep ripping” or “deep plowing. -
Confiscating the American dream
Opinion -A report recently issued by the Swedish Research Institute of Trade confirmed America’s continuing unrivaled wealth. The group’s analysts reported the average Swede receives less income than the average African-American in the U.S. -
From Never-Never Land to Shangri-La: The livability fantasy
Opinion -Smart-growth activists, especially those representing the movement’s new urbanist component, frequently talk about “livable cities”—implying that, over the past 50 years, America has developed cities that are not livable. -
Table Two: First Quarter 2002 HOI and 1990-2000 Growth
Opinion -Table Two: First Quarter 2002 Housing Opportunity Index (HOI) and 1990-2000 Growth Metropolitan Area HOI Growth Elkhart-Goshen, IN MSA 94.9 17.0 Kokomo, IN 94.8 4.7 Fargo-Moorhead, ND-MN 94.5 13.7 Springfield, IL MSA 92.6 6. -
Land-use regulation makes housing less affordable
Opinion -On August 12, 2002 the Wall Street Journal described a 350-square-foot former public toilet in south London that developers are turning into a “stylish apartment.” They expect to sell it for around $200,000. -
Opposing ‘urban sprawl’ … or opposing people?
Opinion -Pinellas County, Florida, is the “smart growth” lobby’s dream. “Smart growth” is the self-description of Europe-wannabe groups seeking to pack as many of us Americans into as little space as possible. Suburbs: bad. High-rise tenements: good. -
EU ratifies biosafety protocol
Opinion -The European Union took yet another step away from the rational regulation of genetically modified crop plants and foods in late June, when it became the 22nd party to formally ratify the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. -
New technology fights old pests, feeds more people
Opinion -When I started farming 30 years ago, I never dreamed of how technological progress would revolutionize agriculture. We still can’t control the weather. -
“Giving away money can be lots of fun!” an interview with Mary Kohler
Opinion -Mary Kohler is a 71-year-old dynamo. There’s simply no better word for her. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin with a degree in paleontology, she has worked in advertising and public relations for the past 40 years. -
The GOP and Civil Rights
Opinion -The Grand Old Party was formed in opposition to slavery, and the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, was responsible for ending slavery in the United States. -
Charitable trusts influence Clinton-Gore environment policy
Opinion -In a mid-February hearing before the Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health of the House Resources Committee, witness after witness testified as to how their local communities have been adversely affected by environmental initiatives funded by