No matter how many times a student asks a Quantum Tutor to go over a chemistry or physical science problem, the tireless tutor won’t get frustrated or irritated about having to explain the material all over again. That’s because the nine Quantum Tutors available from Holt, Rinehart and Winston are Artificial Intelligence Tutors, the latest three being released in January.
“These new Quantum Tutors will give teachers another level of learning support to help students with difficult concepts in chemistry and physical science,” said Judy Fowler, Holt president.
For students who need personal coaching to develop a better grasp of complex science concepts and for teachers, the Tutors provide an on-demand, Web-based educational resource that may be used in class, in the computer lab, or at home at any time.
Providing hints and step-by-step instructions, the Tutors enable students and teachers to practice at their own pace on problems of their choice, rather than being limited to a selection of pre-stored problems. Students and teachers enter their own problems and the Tutor interprets their work and coaches them through the problem-solving process. Like human tutors, the AI Tutors provide guidance and advice in developing a solution to the chosen problem, helping the student or teacher understand why the answer is correct or incorrect.
The Quantum Tutors address complex science topics and complement the lessons in Holt Chemistry, Holt Modern Chemistry, and Holt Science Spectrum Physical Science, as well as Holt Professional Development for teachers. The nine Tutors are Stoichiometry, Chemical Reactions, Chemical Bonding, Elements, Ionic Compound Formulas, Mathematics of Chemical Formulas, Measurement, Equation Balancing, and Oxidation Numbers.
Holt, Rinehart and Winston is a leading publisher of textbooks and educational materials for grades six through 12 and is part of Harcourt Education, a global education provider serving students and teachers in Pre-K through grade 12, adult learners, and readers of all ages. Quantum Simulations, Inc. is a business-to-business provider of artificial intelligence tutoring engines that power existing software, hardware, and distance learning products.
— G.C.
For more information …
Further information on Quantum Simulations, Inc.’s Artificial Intelligence Tutors is available online at