Global warming alarmists are solidifying their image of fearing open discussion and debate.
Self-proclaimed “Science Guy” Bill Nye backed out at the last minute from a nationally televised CNN segment in which he was supposed to debate Marc Morano.
Prominent global warming alarmist Michael Mann continued his run of speaking only at events in which nobody on stage could challenge his assertions.
In the rare occasion when alarmists do agree to participate in a public debate, their arguments are tainted by the unmistakable odor of personal hypocrisy.
Michael Brune of the Sierra Club attacked Marc Morano for allegedly accepting fossil fuel money, even though the Sierra Club recently accepted $26 million in fossil fuel money from Chesapeake Energy.
Al Gore Climate Reality Project presenter Ray Bellamy attempted a similar smear in a Tallahassee, Florida debate just days after Al Gore sold his Current TV to fossil-fuel funded Al Jazeera for $500 million.
Michael Mann will attack a skeptical scientist as being “valueless” and serving as a “hired gun” when he himself gets rich off his high-profile alarmism, charging as much as $10,000 plus travel expenses for a single talk.
All that being said, it is hard to blame the alarmists for their fear of public discussion and debate; every time they attempt to debate the science, they end up getting smoked.
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