Black Voters Want Choice, Michigan Charters Grow, and More: Friday’s Ed News Roundup

Published July 26, 2013

Friday’s ed news

A new poll shows nine in ten southern Black voters want school choice

Charter schools grow in Michigan

Each of the two national Common Core testing groups has its own challenges, writes Kathleen Porter-Magee

Why Common Core reduces school choice

Two hundred charter schools plan to sue Arizona for teacher bonus money. 

Top-quality public schools are actually rare, explains Dr. John Merrifield

School administrators make bank from the expensive setup of teacher pensions

A Delaware public school considers offering a history-sociology class about the Bible


Thursday’s ed news

Citing race-based proficiency goals, Mississippi lawmakers look to reverse Common Core

Texas Sen. Dan Patrick plans new legislation to stop school districts from continuing to use online curriculum CSCOPE after its parent dissolved.  

Why five Florida lawmakers are wrong about Common Core

Collective bargaining limits in Wisconsin have given teachers more power to bargain for better jobs and salaries

The U.S. Senate has passed a deal on federal student loan rates

Six ways Kansas City schools can save millions

Teachers can make their own classroom materials using mini-manufacturing. 

In Arizona1,500 third graders will be held back for low reading scores on a state test. 

Idaho lawmakers say the state superintendent only has authority to set a 1-year school wireless contract. He’s contracting for 15. 

A big lesson learned from a big failure: Human tutors were crucial to students getting through an online California course


Wednesday’s ed news

A special-needs voucher bill goes to the North Carolina governor.

One of the national Common Core testing groups is on the rocks. Andy Smarick mourns.

Arkansas lawmakers reconsider Common Core

See the families hurt by compulsory education mandates. 

California teachers are learning that Common Core means more fuzzy, project-based learning.

Investigators are looking into grade changes in Baltimore schools. 

How AP and writing teachers think technology is influencing their work

Why a union poll that shows public disaffection for school choice is wrong. 

Grants and scholarships pay more for college than parents. 


Tuesday’s ed news

North Carolina’s budget proposal is “chock full” of school choice and education reform. 

Wisconsin parents are excited to apply for vouchers, despite the small number of openings. 

Detroit’s bankruptcy crystalizes the tradeoffs school leaders make. 

The research shows choice schools perform better when they have fewer government regulations, especially testing

A Kansas state school board member wants to know why Common Core science standards required a confidentiality agreement

Common Core proponents develop and execute expensive marketing plans

The Republican FCC commissioner condones federal K-12 tech subsidies

Parents shell out a third less for their kids’ college


Monday’s ed news

An Ohio lawmaker plans to introduce a bill to reconsider Common Core. Gov. Kasich indicates he’ll veto it

The GOP-led House passes a bill to revamp No Child Left Behind. Cato’s Neal McCluskey proposes an alternative

North Carolina’s lieutenant governor delivers 10,000 pages of paper to the state Department of Public Instruction to get his Common Core questions answered

Citing budget holes, Chicago lays off 2,000 school employees, more than 1,000 of which are teachers

Several Arkansas parents sue to get their children school choice

Louisiana’s mini-voucher “course choice” program is full, with a waiting list. 

California districts are going on “computer-buying sprees” to gear up for Common Core tests. 

Low student performance prompts a California university to halt its involvement with online course provider Udacity


For last week’s School Reform News roundup, click here.
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Image by Mo Riza.