Butterfly Host Choice in a Warming World

Published May 31, 2016

Results of this study show that “altered interactions among species do not necessarily constrain distribution changes but can facilitate expansions,” thereby providing another real-world example of a previously unappreciated means by which an animal species can actually be benefited by global warming and expand its range of territorial occupancy… Read More

Extreme Precipitation and Flooding Events in the Mediterranean French Alps (30 October 2012)
According to the authors of this study, they determined that for the area under study, “intense precipitation events occurred more frequently during the Little Ice Age than they did during the Medieval Warm Period”… Read More

Ocean Acidification, Marine Food Production, and Calcification (30 October 2012)
In diametrical contradiction of the fears of climate alarmists – the results of this study suggest that “there could be a net increase in capacity for primary productivity at 750 ppm CO2, at least with regard to small diatoms and coccolithophores in coastal environments,” where the two types of phytoplankton provide the bulk of current marine primary productivity… Read More

Inshore Turbid Reefs of Australia: How Resilient Are They? (30 October 2012) A
new study reports some encouraging observations — that “corals on Middle Reef are robust and resilient to their marginal environmental conditions”… Read More

Examining Flow Variability in a Simple Model: Friction in Jet Stream Behavior (30 October 2012)
Zhang et al. (2012) use a simple model to demonstrate internal dynamic variability in an atmosphere with realistic temperature gradients and a jet stream. The model shows annular mode type behavior driven by low frequency/ large-scale waves. The main goals here were to show the importance of larger-scale waves in maintaining jet stream baroclinicity, and a baroclinic mechanism for the cooperation between synoptic and large-scale eddies in maintaining the persistence of annular mode behavior. However, there are larger implications for climate studies… Read More

Net Photosynthesis and Dark Respiration Rates of Norway Spruce Needles after Eight Long Years of Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment (31 October 2012)
At the end of an eight-year study, the CO2-induced increase in the rate of light-saturated net photosynthesis, due to the approximate 330-ppm increase in the air’s CO2 concentration, was about 113% in sunlit trees and 54% in the shaded trees; while the CO2-induced reduction in the rate of dark respiration was about 22% in the sunlit trees and 39% in the shaded trees… Read More

The Medieval Warm Period in Northeast China (31 October 2012)
For yet another part of the planet, that late-20th-century warmth, even with the help of an extra 100 ppm of CO2, was less than that of the MWP, which makes it extremely difficult to believe that Earth’s current level of warmth largely owes its existence to anthropogenic CO2 emissions, as the world’s climate alarmists continue to claim it does… Read More

European Beech Trees Under Water Stress in Switzerland (31 October 2012)
Populations at the dry limits of their “climate envelope” will not likely disappear if this part of Europe warms and dries as predicted by climate alarmists…. Read More

How Best to “Weatherproof” Earth’s Corals Against Warming-Induced Bleaching (31 October 2012)
“Coral reef resilience to climate change may be improved by good local management of coral reefs, including management of water quality”… Read More