Climate Alarm Industry Is Not ‘Too Big to Fail’

Published July 12, 2016

Review of In Global Warming We Trust: Too Big to Fail, Anthony J. Sadar (Stairway Press, April 2016), 238 pp., ISBN-13: 978-1941071984; $19.95 

In Anthony Sadar’s In Global Warming We Trust: Too Big to Fail, the author argues a careful and honest study of Earth’s atmospheric system leads to one obvious conclusion: We know very little.

Sadar bases his view on 35 years spent as a professional meteorologist who has had hands-on experience studying every realm of Earth’s climate. One thing Sadar says can be proven, however, is the extraordinary harm that has been caused by mainstream environmentalism, especially to the poor, who Sadar says suffer the most from resource restrictions imposed by government regulations limiting electricity generation to more-expensive renewable-energy sources.

In this book, Sadar describes how the now-forgotten global cooling rage of the 1970s morphed into the global warming craze in the 1980s. Sadar says some of the same scientists who bought into the global cooling myth are now leading the global warming charge, such as NASA’s James Hansen.

Sadar says the hysteria really started to ramp up with the creation of the quasi-scientific political cabal known as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which was created by the United Nations and charged to study only man’s impact on Earth’s climate, rather than focusing on all potential causes.

In Global Warming We Trust summarizes nearly five decades of the manufactured hysteria Sadar argues is and always was intended to subjugate mankind to a world without significant industry and many scientific advancements people now take for granted. The author also argues the tactics used to accomplish this goal mimic those espoused by Saul Alinsky in his highly influential book Rules for Radicals, including Alinsky’s 13th rule: “[W]hen confronted with inconvenient facts, attack the messenger.”

Models Fail, People Fooled

Sadar does a particularly good job explaining the complete failure of mathematical climate models and exposing the fact none of the claims made by alarmists about impending disasters due to climate change have come to pass.

Sadar says climate alarmists are only concerned with Mother Earth, “her [human] children, not so much,” and he rightfully argues, “[B]illions of people in poverty who could easily be lifted out [of poverty] by access to abundant, low cost, readily available fossil fuels” are being deprived of it by radical environmentalists and politicians who see an opportunity for political gain.

In Global Warming We Trust offers 10 reasons why much of the public has been easily fooled by alarmists, including lack of scientific understanding in the general public, the tendency to readily accept human culpability for any supposed environmental harm, the inequality in the distribution of climate research money, the power of politics, control of the media, social activism, and because “fear sells.”

Sadar focuses much of his attention on how an entire generation of children have been brainwashed in government K–12 schools and by leftist university professors, making the job to disabuse the public of misplaced climate concern even more difficult.

‘Greatest Fraud Perpetrated’

One of Sadar’s greatest concerns is that the scientific process of inquiry, theory, and experimentation has been turned on its head in modern climate science—where questioning is borderline criminal. He says it’s a trend that may eventually weaken all realms of science.

In the conclusion of this outstanding book, Sadar uses a penetrating commentary from Patrick Michaels’ book Climate Coup to make his case for the depth of the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the nations of the world.

According to Michaels, “When students are threatened with death from the consequences of global warming, when our military raises the threat of war from global warming, when the state has the apparatus to run our lives because of global warming without any additional legislation, when our Congress legislates tariffs that could provoke trade wars because of global warming, when the threats of global warming to the developing world are egregiously exaggerated, when the biomedical community hypes unfounded health and mortality fears, and when the scientific peer-review process becomes skewed against anything moderate, we have witnessed a coup. Global warming has taken over our government and our lives.”

In Global Warming We Trust is a unique mix of science and a clear understanding of precisely how politics, money, and power have perverted it. The book is easily understandable by the layman, but it will also richly reward any scientist who reads it. 

Jay Lehr, Ph.D. ([email protected]) is science director of The Heartland Institute.