Penn State University scientist-activist Michael Mann claimed in a Monday letter to the Wall Street Journal that any criticism of his conduct in scandalous Cilmategate emails is little more than an attack on climate science. Mann’s claim calls to mind the assertion of Chancellor Palpatine (aka Darth Sidious, future Emperor) in Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith that Jedis were attacking the Republic by exposing Palpatine’s corruption and deceitful plot to impose dictatorial rule.
Regardless of Mann’s attempt to portray himself as the meek victim after his scientific misconduct and bullying were exposed, hiding and misrepresenting scientific evidence is an attack on climate science. Exposing those who do so is advancing the cause of science. Similarly, seeking the personal and professional punishment of scientists for disagreeing with your personal theories is an attack on climate science. Exposing those who do is advancing the cause of science.
Read more on Mann’s attempt to portray himself as the victim in my weekly, available here.