People complain about UN jargon but the technical language of the Katowice climate summit is very revealing. It is all about changing the world order.
Words exist because there is something important to talk about. Words also embody basic beliefs. In this context it is very useful that the ever-green Climate Change News has published a Glossary of the 32 technical terms they think are most important in Katowice.
Analyzing this list tells us a great deal about what is really going one. To begin with, there is not one word on the list that is about climate or climate change. So calling this a climate summit is just a semantic smokescreen. These folks are designing a new world order. The primary focus is how the world will be changed and who is going to pay for it.
In fact the largest group of terms is those that refer to the various political alliances at the new-order design table. There are 12 such groups, plus the term “negotiating group” itself. These are groups of countries that feel they share enough of a common interest to team up. Thus a full 41% of the technical terms refer to interest groups.
The largest negotiating group by far is called the G77 + China. Despite the old name, this group has 134 member countries. I have no idea why China gets special mention, except it is by far the most powerful member. These are the countries that stand to benefit hugely from the new world order, because its central feature is huge, never ending payments from the so-called developed countries to the developing countries. (I say so-called because the U.S. is still developing.)
Africa has its own group, since they stand to make more money per capita then any other region. The U.S. is part of something innocuously called the Umbrella Group, which includes many developed countries outside of the EU, which is a group of its own. Brexit appears not to have happened here, because the UK is not listed separately from the EU.
The avowed Socialists from the western hemisphere even have their own group of 11, further demonstrating that this Katowice business is all about a new world order, not climate change. Mind you these socialists are not the only anti-capitalists at the table, far from it.
The next largest language group is of 5 wealth transfer terms. The definition specifically says that this is “a central element” of the new world order (which it calls “international cooperation”).
One of these terms is “climate finance” but it is not about financing climate, whatever that might mean. It is about the developed countries paying for everything the developing countries do in the name of stopping, or at least adapting to, supposedly human caused climate change. Annual payments of $100 billion are supposed to begin in 2020, but may well rise thereafter, if developing countries decide to do more, which they no doubt would. The more they do the more money they get.
But this $100 billion a year is by no means the big ticket when it comes to payments. That honor belongs to something called “loss and damage.” This is basically all of the damage caused by climate change, which now looks to be all bad weather. Every hurricane, drought, wildfire, snowstorm and flood is now attributed to human caused climate change, not to mention sea level rise.
The Paris Accord acknowledges loss and damage but stops short of requiring the developed countries to pay for it. That they do pay is certainly part of the new order agenda. The tentative figure put out by the UN is $400 billion a year, but it could easily get much bigger. There is a lot of bad weather in the world.
One of the sneakier wealth transfer terms is “technology transfer.” In the US this term is widely used to mean the licensing of new technologies to companies, who then move them from the laboratory to widespread use. At Katowice the term means something entirely different, including the unlicensing of technologies.
The idea is that companies holding patents will waive them, to allow developing countries to manufacture the patented stuff free of charge. It can even mean that these companies build manufacturing facilities and train the workers, also for free. I am not making this up.
Then there are various important words referring to other aspects of the new world order, as well as to specific actions to be taken along the way. Chief among these are the “Nationally determined contributions” (NDCs), which are what each country promises to do.
The NDCs are defined as “climate targets” but of course they are not target climates. They are milestones on the way to the new world order. As with most of this UN summit language, “climate” is a code word. The NDCs are to be renewed every five years, including in 2020, so this is another hidden agenda item in Katowice.
In short, what is on the table at Katowice is moving toward a new world order, in the name of dealing with supposedly human caused climate change. One of the central elements is a vast wealth transfer from the developed countries like the U.S. to the developing countries.
This is something the UN has always wanted to do and the climate change scare is their grand chance, or so they think anyway. Tens of thousands of national negotiators from around the world are hard at it in Poland.
The language is deliberately deceptive, but once you understand it, things get pretty clear. Language is like that.
[Originally Published at CFACT]