COP 26: With Biden’s help the COP goes wild

Published November 16, 2021

Radical alarmists are running COP 26 and Biden is right there with them. What was supposed to be a finishing up of the Paris Accord rules has turned into a bid to write a whole new treaty. Huge fight to follow.

Where radical stuff like this comes from is often hard to tell in UN proceedings but this time it is crystal clear. It began with something called the “COP 26 Leaders’ Statement” from a group called the “High Ambition Coalition”.

The “Leaders” in this case are the bosses of most of the Western European countries, plus Biden, plus some lesser heads of state. In terms of big guns it is Biden and the green Euro-socialists. There is also Canada, New Zealand and a handful of small developing countries. The U.K. did not sign but they are running COP 26 so they did not have to.

Here are some small excerpts to give the heavy green flavor of the Statement:

“Alarmed by the latest findings of the IPCC that confirm the need for the most ambitious efforts within this decade to enable us to limit global warming to 1.5°C and prevent the most catastrophic climate impacts.”

The Paris Accord’s target is less than 2 degrees, aspiring to 1.5. This and other parts of the Statement make 1.5 degrees the sole target.

“Recognize the devastating impacts already being felt today by people across the globe, and resolve to take urgent action to address the climate crisis.”

“Recognize the imperative of all countries to adapt to the ever-increasing impacts of climate change, and the urgent need for a substantial scale-up in accessible adaptation financing to ensure that no one, especially the most vulnerable, is left behind.”

There is nothing like this in the Accord.

“Stress the need to halve global emissions by 2030, and call on all Parties that have yet to do so to deliver more ambitious NDCs in line with a 1.5°C trajectory as soon as possible, and well ahead of COP27.”

There is no time frame in the Accord, certainly not halving emissions in just 8 years. That is Biden’s target for the US. Many developing countries, including China and India, presently plan to increase emission until 2030 in their NDCs.

“Acknowledge that loss and damage, including slow onset events, is already being experienced in all countries and regions, but especially in vulnerable places. Call for enhanced interventions in relevant fields, and recognise the need to increase resources for averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage.”

Loss and damage refers to compensating developing countries for things like floods, droughts, heat waves and sea level rise. The Paris Accord merely studies this issue.

The shock wave hit when the U.K. President of COP 26 tabled the first draft of the official Conference Decision Document. It was taken directly from the High Ambition Coalition COP 26 Leaders’ Statement. In many cases the language is identical, while in others there are minor changes. All of the blockbuster stuff that goes way beyond the Paris Accord is there. In some cases the President’s draft Decision Document even goes beyond the “Leaders’ Statement”.

The draft proposal from the COP 26 President is here:

In COP proceedings every country has a veto over every word of every decision. Some countries are certain to object to some parts, especially the 2030 deadline for halving emissions.

How much this radical draft gets hammered remains to be seen. Anything can happen at this point. Stay tuned to CFACT.


PHOTO: joe campaigning. PHOTO BY: stringrayschuller, Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0).