Friday’s ed news:
1. Parents have pulled another Parent Trigger, this time in Los Angeles.
2. Indianapolis’ reactionary school superintendent retires.
3. Minnesota may be poised to adopt revisionist history standards.
4. Pennsylvania schools losing students to charters are spending money not on improving but on ads to get the kids back.
5. So many Massachusetts families want charter school seats that legislators are considering removing a cap on the schools.
6. An Arkansas lawsuit may eliminate race as a criterium for school choice.
7. The more parents subsidize their child’s college education, the worse grades the kids get, a study finds.
8. Pennsylvania’s governor will take on massive teacher pension deficits because not doing so will bankrupt the state.
9. Limiting kids to traditional public schools is like requiring everyone to buy the same car.
10. Charter schools continue to experience explosive growth.
Thursday’s ed news:
1. An Illinois Democrat is sponsoring a bill to give students vouchers.
2. Wisconsin vouchers help a special-ed student become a high achiever.
3. Legislation to allow charter schools in Missouri has passed its Senate education committee.
4. A Vermont town privatizes its only public school.
5. A Pennsylvania school board does nothing about teachers found cheating.
6. New York City’s school bus driver strike continues, leaving 152,000 thousand kids stranded.
7. Nevada’s state superintendent talks education reform.
8. Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad calls for property tax and education changes.
9. The vast majority of Missouri schools are not ready to test students online.
10. Let teachers run schools, says Kim Ferris-Berg.
Wednesday’s ed news will not be posted–SRN’s full-time staffer is reporting in the Indiana Capitol today.
Tuesday’s ed news:
1. The hidden agenda behind anti-bullying laws.
2. Eighteen states already allow adults to carry loaded guns in schools.
3. Indiana’s legislature holds a Common Core hearing Wednesday.
4. Students attending Michigan charter schools learn more than their traditional-school counterparts.
5. Jeb Bush visits Tennessee to talk vouchers.
6. A California university is partnering with a massive open online course provider for cheaper classes online.
7. Hispanics benefit from school choice.
8. Tennessee’s charter schools association wants the state, not just school boards, to be able to okay charter schools.
9. Ohio’s governor supports teacher merit pay.
10. Few Louisiana teachers will get tenure, the state superintendent said.
Monday’s ed news:
1. Ohio’s governor will propose broad school reforms.
2. A California principal loses her job over notifying teachers and the police of a fellow teacher’s death threats.
3. Though federal evaluations have repeatedly shown the $180 billion Head Start program has no long-term effects on children, a Hurricane Sandy bill will send it another $100 million.
4. Like several other states, the feds may pull some of Maryland’s education grants because the state is not doing with them what it promised.
5. The Washington Post supports allowing alternative teacher prep group Teach for America in Virginia.
6. The country’s fifth-largest school district now posts its spending online.
7. Fewer kids and economic woes mean the demand for four-year college is slowing.
8. A Kansas court orders the legislature to spend $400 million more on public schools.
9. California’s state superintendent proposes eliminating nearly all standardized tests the feds don’t require.
10. Maryland’s teachers union wants to require all teachers to pay union dues, members or not.
For last week’s School Reform News roundup, click here.
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Image by Mo Riza.