Friday’s ed news
CHOICE: Should private schools begin to act more like charters? Or should lawmakers stop requiring private schools to administer state tests?
DC: A government report criticizing the city’s voucher program dings bureaucracy, not vouchers.
WASHINGTON: A state court hears an anti-charter school case today.
LOUISIANA: The state will phase in Common Core test-based accountability over ten years.
MASSACHUSETTS: The lead Common Core test state will let districts choose whether to use the tests starting in 2015 or 2016.
TEXAS: Lawmakers plead to keep kids from having to take Algebra II to graduate.
FEDERAL: About $4.6 billion in federal grants to struggling schools has essentially had little impact.
HIGHER ED: Nearly half of the nation’s colleges and universities are no longer generating enough tuition revenue to keep pace with inflation.
Thursday’s ed news
MASSACHUSETTS: The once-top education state is slipping after lawmakers have backpedaled on reforms.
WISCONSIN: Lawmakers conclude they want a “compromise” on Common Core that includes keeping the entire structure but possibly passing a student privacy law.
TENNESSEE: The first modern, large-scale study of a state preschool program again finds it does not benefit children.
NEW YORK: Lawmakers berate education Commissioner John Kind and company inBloom for their student data collection plans.
MARYLAND: Teachers file a union grievance, citing all the extra work hours they’re putting in because of Common Core.
CALIFORNIA: Los Angeles’ $1 billion iPad buy just got more expensive by $60 million a year.
MICHIGAN: Three of four test-takers fail the state’s new exam for teacher certification.
IDAHO: The state board of education considers making homeschoolers subject to truancy laws and standardized tests.
TEXAS: A Montessori school in Austin uses computers to facilitate student-led activities.
Wednesday’s ed news
LOUISIANA: The Obama administration drops one lawsuit against state vouchers, but still seeks to control it by deciding whether children are the right race to receive a voucher.
NEW YORK: Five thousand people rallied in Westchester to support education tax credits Tuesday.
ARIZONA: The state’s education system is in serious trouble without reform. And more charter schools find they cannot co-exist with Common Core.
CHOICE: Why it’s harder now for parents to “vote with their feet” on schools than it was fifty years ago.
INDIANA: Republican leadership wants to drop Common Core for Indiana standards.
MICHIGAN: Lawmakers will soon consider national science curriculum mandates that heavily emphasize global warming.
FEDERAL: The Obama administration releases another education grant competition, this time for job-prep programs in high schools.
PENNSYLVANIA: A bill to expand charter schools will likely receive a vote this week.
CALIFORNIA: Los Angeles teachers demand a raise on top of their annual raises.
PRIVATE SCHOOLS: A new report says faith-based schools are in danger of extinction.
SCHOOL GRADES: Grading schools A-F is one-dimensional and subject to corruption.
Tuesday’s ed news
LOUISIANA: The federal government demands that it review and control the state’s vouchers program to prevent segregation, although studies show vouchers desegregate schools.
COLORADO: Several classical charter schools say they cannot co-exist with Common Core.
RHODE ISLAND: Cities turn to “mayoral academies” to improve ailing schools.
NEW YORK: The state PTA calls for delaying Common Core tests after hostile meetings with thousands of angry parents.
WISCONSIN: A Hispanic vouchers advocate and community activist square off for a state Assembly seat in a special election.
OHIO: State board of education members have several conflicts of interest.
Monday’s ed news
CALIFORNIA: Teachers unions are taking aim at the state’s pioneer Parent Trigger school choice law.
NATIONWIDE: Parents opt children out of school today to protest Common Core.
KENTUCKY: A parent files the country’s first lawsuit against Common Core.
ONLINE ED: The man perhaps best known for free online education decides to change course.
DC: The city’s vouchers program needs some updates, says a GAO report.
CALIFORNIA: How a new reform law became a payoff for teachers unions.
MISSISSIPPI: Gulfport schools attempt to cover up test score drops due to Common Core.
KANSAS: The governor diverts funds from welfare to institute new reading programs.
INDIANA: The state ethics chief files a complaint against former state superintendent Tony Bennett for using state computers to campaign.
FEDERAL: Why the Obama administration‘s incoherent approach to education is like its approach to healthcare.
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Image by Mo Riza.