Exposing Climate Science Corruption

Published May 1, 2014

Review of The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science, by Tim Ball, Ph.D. (Stairway Press 2014), 298 pages, ISBN- 978-0988877740

The debate is over, if there ever was one. Tim Ball argues, with overwhelming evidence, the asserted global warming crisis has been an unmitigated fraud perpetrated by people who no longer have the right to be called scientists. Their collective goal has been to alter society’s future while enriching their own personal lives.

Tracking Major Players
Ball’s book, The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science, is divided into 13 chapters, each of which opens with a picture of a major player in the historical drama of the corruption of climate science. A few are good guys, such as Richard Lindzen, Michael Crichton, and Vaclav Klaus. Most, however, are villains, including the likes of Maurice Strong, Paul Ehrlich, James Hansen, Michael Mann, Phil Jones, and Al Gore.

The book is truly a history of the people and groups who use unwarranted fear of human-caused climate change to undermine science. They accomplish this goal in a number of ways, including diverting vast sums of grants and government money to those scientists who further their interests. Character assassination is a favorite tactic they use against those who object.

Human Population Scapegoat
Ball logically begins at the modern beginning of stifling environmental activism: Paul Erhlich’s egregious and fallacious 1967 book, The Population Bomb. Ball documents how the 1972 Club of Rome report ridiculously preached population growth must be immediately stopped for our planet to avoid imminent and utter catastrophe. Ball then walks us through the 1992 United Nations Rio Conference led by Canadian tycoon Maurice Strong. This conference gave birth to Agenda 21, a bureaucratic justification that—among other things—tied population growth to other perceived evils such as global warming.

Strong ultimately conceived of and implemented the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, whose purpose is to advance the notion that human activities are bringing about climate catastrophe. These efforts fit H. L. Mencken’s famous quote, repeated by Ball here: “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety), by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Ball explains the many speculative assumptions incorporated in climate models, and he compellingly documents their repeated failures. Even so, government never gives them a second thought and all too willingly places our society’s future at the mercy of the failed models. Ball explains how climate model programmers eliminate numerous important variables merely to make it possible for supercomputers to spit out predictions in a reasonable time frame.

Political Agendas Drive IPCC
Nowhere is Ball more instructive than in his explanation of how the IPCC always releases its Summary for Policymakers, written by governments, well ahead of each full report and then makes sure the full report agrees with the prewritten summary. What is always missing from the summaries are the uncertainties and counterevidence that may appear in the full report.

Inside the Climate Wars
By now, most of my readers are surely aware of the Michael Mann “hockey stick” fantasy. Even so, Ball will amaze you with some of the true stories about the battles to call attention to—or divert attention from—the hockey stick flaws.

Ball presents a full analysis of the release of 1,000 Climategate emails from the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom. Ball explains how East Anglia professors were behind a thoroughly fraudulent plot to undermine any real science in the climate change debate. Readers will see email after email showing East Anglia professor Phil Jones was the main villain in this plot. The emails leave no doubt about this terrible conspiracy to deceive.

Ball’s passion for this subject is evident throughout the book, but nowhere more than in the following paragraph:

“How much longer can the IPCC maintain the charade? How long before the IPCC and its machinations are understood by enough leaders to elicit some backbone? It is incredible that the IPCC and their manipulation of climate science continue to drive world energy and economic policies. How many more people must starve and economies collapse before this most egregious exploitation driven by environmentalists is stopped?

Minor Criticisms
Ball’s book suffers from the lack of an index or even a table of contents. It can be overly repetitive and contains far more quoted passages than necessary, sometimes reading like the transcript of a trial. In defense of Ball, he has left nothing out of this complete history of climate science corruption. It can certainly be argued that it is better to be redundant and to provide too much directly quoted evidence than to present incomplete evidence and leave out important primary documents.

Highly Recommended
Too many of us on the right side of science still treat the global warming leadership with more respect than they deserve. Too many of us, as the radio’s “Shadow” often said, “do not know what evil lurks in the minds of men.” In his new book, Tim Ball will disabuse you of these erroneous judgments. I highly recommend you read The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science.

Jay Lehr, Ph.D. ([email protected]) is science director of The Heartland Institute.