Friday’s ed news
FEDERAL: Marco Rubio’s tax-credit scholarship proposal has so far gone nowhere.
PENNSYLVANIA: Why lawmakers should pass a bill to allow more charters, evaluated mainly by test scores.
NEW YORK: A state official says inBloom data collection is necessary for Common Core.
FEDERAL: The U.S. Department of Education retracts a requirement that states redistribute teachers to get another NCLB waiver.
ALABAMA: State leaders quarrel over whether Common Core will cost more.
WISCONSIN: Lawmakers approve increasing required high school math and science classes from two to three each.
NEW MEXICO: The governor revisits holding back third graders who can’t read.
GRADES: Why grading schools on one scale is a bad idea.
TEXAS: One elementary teacher apparently punishes students by writing on their foreheads.
Thursday’s ed news
NEW YORK: Twelve parents file a lawsuit to stop the state from using inBloom, a controversial student data collection service.
TENNESSEE: Why the state’s National Assessment of Educational Progress gains do not necessarily make them No. 1.
NEW HAMPSHIRE: The state’s largest district moves ahead with plans to discard Common Core for better standards.
SAFETY: Despite high-profile shootings, U.S. schools are safer than ever, data shows.
CHARTER SCHOOLS: One of the most innovative blended learning schools struggles to expand exponentially nationwide.
MARYLAND: Two-thirds of teachers say they are unprepared to implement Common Core national curriculum standards.
PENNSYLVANIA: Catholic schools address their pension problems, but the state’s teacher pensions remain grossly unfunded.
CALIFORNIA: Three local teachers unions vote to jettison their state union membership.
SOUTH CAROLINA: Greenville schools will have a computer assign children to open seats rather than risk having parents trample each other again to get their kids into schools they want.
Wednesday’s ed news
LOUISIANA: A new study shows that, contrary to the Obama administration’s lawsuit, the state’s voucher program improves racial integration.
TESTING: A new Sim City video game can test students, whether they know it or not.
GEORGIA: Parents care far more about school environment than standardized tests, a new survey shows. How Pearson is rethinking its products.
NEW YORK: Pearson textbooks arrive in schools across New York City late, and riddled with errors.
KANSAS: The state board of education considers whether to adopt national Common Core tests.
NATIONAL: Michelle Obama will switch hobby horses from nutrition to college-for-all.
TENNESSEE: Memphis voters will soon consider whether to raise their taxes to fund a preschool expansion.
Tuesday’s ed news
ARIZONA: Another school district floats the idea of running a voucher program.
TENNESSEE: Voucher advocates gear up for 2014.
BULLYING: Is adversity always bad for kids?
SOUTH CAROLINA: Public support for school choice is growing, a poll finds.
WISCONSIN: Inside Madison’s first voucher school.
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: The number of foreign students attending U.S. universities is at a record high.
INDIANA: A judge dismisses a lawsuit brought by the state superintendent against the state school board.
WYOMING: A school district sues a newspaper to keep a district job satisfaction survey’s results from being published.
ILLINOIS: New state report cards obscure important information, despite a press campaign touting the new look.
Monday’s ed news
NATIONAL: Student achievement growth has slowed under President Obama, as a direct result of his haphazard education policies.
PENNSYLVANIA: The state department of education is attempting to control what private religious preschools and after-school programs teach.
CALIFORNIA: Half of school districts will not be ready for Common Core tests by the year they roll out, a new survey finds.
COLORADO: Spending on non-essential programs is crowding out spending on classroom instruction.
MICHIGAN: The state Senate will investigate a teachers union for harassing teachers in attempting to avoid a new right-to-work law.
FEDERAL: Two Democratic Senators are drafting a bill to push more government preschool.
CALIFORNIA: UC-Berkeley has banned student government from using the term “illegal immigrant.”
PARENT CHOICE: A website dedicated to helping parents make education choices celebrates its 15th year.
VIRGINIA: Students adjust to a new law requiring them to take one online course before graduating high school.
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Image by Mo Riza.