Thursday’s ed news
The Indiana Senate again confirms another measure to take a time out on Common Core.
The U.S. Department of Education is poised to directly control school districts after sideswiping states.
The Indiana Senate approves an expansion of the state’s voucher program.
President Obama wants a new preschool entitlement.
Illinois legislators give a resounding “no” to a limited Chicago voucher proposal sponsored by an African-American Democrat.
Robots come to school to teach.
At least 54 school districts have contracts dodging Michigan’s right-to-work law.
A North Carolina Senate committee approves a bill to end teacher tenure.
There’s another school cheating scandal, in El Paso.
A teachers union leader supports charter school legislation in Montana.
Wednesday’s ed news
A Wisconsin mother of an autistic child says “the system doesn’t work,” and that’s why the university professor supports vouchers.
Common Core science standards are out, and they teach students alarmist global warming.
A Michigan charter school makes a startling academic turnaround after receiving notice it would close.
How students feel about the $10,000 degree they’re pursuing.
MIT has released free software that grades essays so teachers don’t have to.
Cheaters are at fault, not tests.
A Parents Across America founder and self-proclaimed parent advocate sends her kids to private school while pushing public schools on everyone else.
How online learning revolutionizes teacher training.
A better way to introduce computers to poor schools in India.
Financial education has little effect on student behavior.
Tuesday’s ed news
Today, the Texas Senate considers voucher legislation. The Texas GOP base wants vouchers, but many of the lawmakers they elected don’t. Education tax credits may slide through.
Why Georgia families love their tax-credit scholarships.
Former Rep. Ron Paul is starting a K-12 curriculum.
Frequent testing improves student memory and attention, and reduces anxiety, a study finds.
One in four African-American students has been suspended, a study finds.
An Idaho “odd couple” of lawmakers get together on education bills.
What schools label “algebra” differs widely, and minorities get weaker classes.
Why kids need actual knowledge for the knowledge economy; or, “Just Google it” is not an option.
A Florida bill would let schools stock EpiPens for kids who have severe allergic reactions.
An Alaska bill would prohibit schools from passing third graders who can barely read.
Monday’s ed news
Tomorrow, Los Angeles parents who pulled a Parent Trigger will decide what happens at their children’s school.
Why the Texas House is against vouchers. Reducing testing in Texas will hurt minorities.
Montana moves forward on school choice bills.
Voucher proposals are effectively dead in Tennessee this session.
A Pennsylvania mom, like thousands across the country, opts her child out of standardized testing.
Cursive is set to disappear from public schools.
The Atlanta cheating scandal illustrates the need for school choice.
Where should education donors focus their money, on centralization or families?
Texas teachers turn down millions for healthcare because addressing their massively unfunded benefits means cuts.
Even before now, public schools “were responsible for the gradual undermining and destruction of the most prosperous and powerful society in history.”
For last week’s School Reform News roundup, click here.
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Image by Mo Riza.