Heartland Daily Podcast – Rome: Heartland Attacked By Name at Vatican Climate Conference

Published April 28, 2015

The Vatican’s climate conference took place today, April 28, in Rome. The Heartland Institute’s Jim Lakely was there, along with a contingent of scientists and experts in theology and climate policy that included Lord Christopher Monckton, who obtained press credentials from the Vatican.

Lakely talks to Monckton about what he learned inside the walls of the exclusive climate summit — including is encounter with United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon; the shockingly one-sided presentation of the science to Vatican officials; and the remarks of Peter Raver, an author for the UN’s IPCC who not only noticed Heartland’s presence in Rome, but expressed his dismay that our contingent might have any affect on the proceedings.

Monckton’s take: The United Nations climate officials are afraid to debate the science, afraid to present a balanced picture of the climate, and are afraid of The Heartland Institute.

Listen to this important podcast!

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