CHICAGO, IL August 2005 — The Heartland Institute and Miller College of Business at Ball State University have released Reforming the Health Care System, a 38-page paperback book featuring a debate between Kenneth E. Thorpe, Ph.D. of Emory University and John C. Goodman, Ph.D. of the National Center for Policy Analysis. The debate was held March 18, 2005 at Ball State University as part of a larger conference, Health by Design.
Notes John R. Graham, director of health policy studies for the San Francisco-based Pacific Research Institute, “This debate supplies a valuable summary of two different views of health reform: one where the government takes more and more control over our lives, and one where it promises to ‘do no (more) harm’ by giving patients control over the resources needed to manage their own health care. This book will help the American people understand these two competing visions.”
Sally C. Pipes, president and CEO of Pacific Research Institute, agrees. “In Reforming the Health Care System,” she explains, “noted health care economist and author Dr. John Goodman points in clear and concise language how government programs are fraught with perverse incentives that distort choices for individuals. He concludes that if we could keep government from causing harm, America would have a pretty good health care system. This book is must reading for everyone.”
Copies are just $5.95 each (plus 6.25% sales tax if ordering from Illinois and 9% tax if ordering from Chicago). Volume discounts are available. More information is available online at