Repudiation Comes As President Leaves Paris, Heartland Arrives for COP-21
Within days of President Barack Obama’s speech at the COP-21 climate conference, House lawmakers voted to repeal key aspects of the administration’s climate change platform, the Clean Power Plan. The regulations are intended to limit the amount of carbon emissions from new and existing power plants.
The Heartland Institute arrived in Paris today for COP-21, the United Nations climate conference – a meeting press and world leaders are calling the last chance to “solve” the global warming crisis. The contingent of climate realists led by Heartland will be there for a week to prove with globally accepted scientific data that there is no human-caused global warming crisis to solve.
A day-long program on Monday, December 7 – called the “Day of Examining the Data” – will be held in the San Francisco Room at the Hotel California, 16 Rue de Berri, 75008 Paris, France. The program begins with a press conference at 9:00 a.m. CET, followed by panel presentations and a keynote luncheon address. Presenters will make the compelling case that an objective examination of the latest climate science shows humans are not causing a global warming crisis, and the United Nations’ plans to restrict fossil fuel use in emerging economies will keep the world’s poor from rising out of poverty.
The event is open to the public. Credentialed media should RSVP by contacting Heartland Institute Director of Communications Jim Lakely at [email protected] or 312/731-9364.
The following statements from energy and environment experts at The Heartland Institute – a free-market think tank – may be used for attribution. For more comments, refer to the contact information below. To book a Heartland guest on your program, please contact Donald Kendal, new media specialist, The Heartland Institute, at [email protected] or 312/377-4000.
“The House is to be applauded for following the Senate’s lead in exercising their authority under the Congressional Review Act to block the Obama administration’s costly, ineffective Clean Power Plan regulations. The administration has admitted the CPP will do nothing to prevent rising temperatures or sea levels. And every independent analysis conducted thus far shows the rules will raise energy prices substantially, leaving people and businesses with less income, resulting in lower economic growth and higher unemployment – and, because higher energy prices hurt the poor the most, increased poverty.
“Because President Obama has promised to veto the resolutions should they reach his desk, Congress’s action is largely symbolic – but it’s a powerful symbol, showing world leaders gathered at the United Nations climate summit in Paris the president’s ability to follow through on any commitments the U.S. makes in Paris to enact meaningful domestic climate legislation is sharply limited. By acting now, forcing a presidential veto in the midst of climate negotiations in Paris, the House has reinforced the message to Paris climate negotiators Congress does not back the president’s climate pledges.”
H. Sterling Burnett
Research Fellow, Environment and Energy Policy
The Heartland Institute
Managing Editor, Environment & Climate News
[email protected]
“This is a hugely positive development. Congress needs to challenge President Obama and his EPA over and over on these dictatorial actions, which will inflict enormous job and economic pain for no health, climate, or environmental gain.
“The House and Senate also need to make it clear to everyone gathered in Paris that the American people do not support and will not comply with emission standards that don’t apply equally to all nations – and that any ‘accord’ Mr. Obama might agree to in Paris will be reviewed under the Constitution’s Treaty Clause, requiring a two-thirds approval by the Senate to be binding and enforceable.
“The Senate will never approve anything that is likely to come out of Paris. And Congress will not agree to give away countless billions in hard-earned taxpayer dollars as ‘reparations’ for having used fossil fuels to create technologies that have so benefited Americans and people throughout the world.”
Paul Driessen
Senior Policy Advisor
Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow
Policy Advisor, Energy and Environment Policy
The Heartland Institute
[email protected]
The Heartland Institute is a 31-year-old national nonprofit organization headquartered in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Its mission is to discover, develop, and promote free-market solutions to social and economic problems. For more information, visit our Web site or call 312/377-4000.