Heartland Weekly: Shameful Politicization of Hurricanes

Published October 1, 2018

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Better Species Reforms Needed
Tim Benson and H. Sterling Burnett
Daily Caller
The 1973 Endangered Species Act (ESA) has been a costly fiasco. It has failed to protect or help revive species at risk of extinction.

Politicization of Hurricanes
H. Sterling Burnett
American Thinker
Shamefully, the press and climate alarmists began politicizing Hurricane Florence even before the monumental storm made landfall, taking precedence over the recovery efforts.

No, Trump Didn’t Cause Florence
Justin Haskins
The Blaze
Accompanying every hurricane are numerous stories suggesting disaster could have been averted had American elected officials done more to stop global warming.

How the Left Plans to Steal the Next Election
Guest: Eric Eggers
Host: Jim Lakely
Eric Eggers, research director at the Government Accountability Institute, joins the show to talk about his book Fraud: How the Left Plans to Steal the Next Election

Idaho’s Effort to Bankrupt Health Care
Guest: Fred Birnbaum
Host: Sarah Lee
Medicaid expansion is on the Idaho November 2018 ballot. Fred Birnbaum, vice president of the Idaho Freedom Foundation, is dedicated to fighting this expansion.

Connecticut Cities’ Fiscal Follies
Host: Jesse Hathaway
Guest: Scott Shepard
Scott Shepard, the Yankee Institute’s Director of Policy and Research, talks about Connecticut’s out-of-control spending, and the need to rein in reckless use of the state government’s credit card.

Regulatory Powers at the Local Level
Barry Poulson
Colorado Springs Gazette
Imitative 97 in Colorado would impose regulations on fracking state wide and deny citizens the right to decide issues of regulation and taxation on a local level.

Dumb Energy Advancing
Norman Rogers
American Thinker
Xcel Energy is replacing older, but perfectly good, coal plants with natural gas plants to back up unreliable solar and wind plants during their common downtimes.

Celebrate Public Lands Day Correctly
Lindsey Stroud
American Spectator
September 22 was the 25th anniversary of National Public Lands Day, celebrated by the National Park Service (NPS). Let’s celebrate by returning control back to the states.

FDA’s Unjust War on Vaping
Lindsey Stroud
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is also guilty of a hypocritical stance on vaping. They go after a product meant to curb tobacco use while ignoring much more serious epidemics.

The ‘Trump Effect’ on the Environment
Rich Trzupek
Epoch Times
Republican administrations have piled on environmental regulations as much as Democrat administrations did. This has changed with President Trump.

Bloom Energy’s “Tangled Web”
Paul Driessen
Bloom Energy executives, investment bankers, venture capitalists, politicians, regulators and others reputation and financial dealings are living the complicated life that flows from lying.