Did you hear the one about the University of Chicago law professor who blogged about the president’s proposed tax hike, was viciously criticized for having done so, and has now said he won’t blog again?
The controversy led to a panel discussion on WTTW’s Chicago Tonight, where Steve Stanek, managing editor of Heartland’s Budget & Tax News, appeared Tuesday night. With John Bouman, president of Shriver Center, and host Carol Marin, Steve discussed “What classifies an American as rich?” Steve shared his thoughts on that subject, and about the income tax generally, from a different perspective.
You can watch the video from last night’s program at: http://www.wttw.com/chicagotonight/video/PRUdjEjakHpbm7Znlc2wRtO54gFR9Mpm/.
For more information about Steve’s work on budget and tax issues, visit the Budget & Tax News Web site at www.budgetandtax-news.org.