What can be learned from a cursory glance at the data? That the CO2 concentration of Earth’s atmosphere appears to have had no consistent impact on July air temperatures in the vicinity of North Lake, Greenland, over the past seven millennia… Read More
Divining Future Winter Wheat Yields in the United Kingdom (21 May 2013)
It would appear that even the worst-case climate-change scenarios concocted by the world’s climate modelers are insufficient to overpower the positive effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment on country-wide winter wheat yields in the UK… Read More
Tropical Upper Tropospheric Warming: Models vs. Measurements (21 May 2013)
Once again, climate model results are shown to deviate significantly from real-world measurements; and there appears to be no improvement in this regard between the CMIP3 set of models and the newer and supposedly improved CMIP5 models… Read More
Changes in Global Precipitation Over Land in a Warming World (21 May 2013)
Does the climate of the earth become more variable as it warms, leading to greater extremes of wetness and dryness, as climate alarmists say it should?… Read More
Female Copepods Help Their Offspring Survive OA and Warming (22 May 2013)
Several observations from this study demonstrate that maternal effects “are an important mechanism in the face of environmental change.” Indeed, it would appear that they can actually spell the difference between extinction and survival in situations such as those that are typically forecast for Earth’s near future by the world’s climate alarmists… Read More
Seagrasses and Marine Macroalgae in a CO2-Enriched World (22 May 2013)
A literature review of more than 100 seagrass species led Koch et al. to conclude that seagrasses and many marine macroalgae have the potential to respond positively, in terms of photosynthesis and growth, under elevated ocean CO2 and ocean acidification… Read More
Storms of the Northern Hemisphere (22 May 2013)
Data from this study demonstrate that they are more frequent and fierce during colder climatic periods, which suggests that warming should lead to relatively less storminess, or just the opposite of what the world’s climate alarmists would have everyone believe… Read More