The co-authors of the bestseller Unstoppable Global Warming Every 1,500 Years have released a second list of peer-reviewed scientists who’ve recently found physical evidence of the long, natural climate cycle.
The second list brings together 400 names, increasing the total number of such authors to more than 700.
Dennis Avery of the Hudson Institute and S. Fred Singer of the Science and Environmental Policy Project presented the new list of scientists on March 3 at the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change in New York City.
Warmer Weather in Past
The Singer-Avery book assembled the historical and physical evidence of the climate cycle, including the Medieval Warming, Roman Warming, and six previous global warmings since the last Ice Age. The authors note, for example, Suzanne Carbotte of New York’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory used side-scanning sonar to locate long-dead fossil oyster beds that were active in a warmer Hudson River 1,000 years ago, 2,000 years ago, and 6,000 years ago.
“Most of our modern warming occurred before 1940,” Avery said, “before there was much human-emitted CO2. The net warming since 1940 is a minuscule 0.2ยบ C, with no warming at all in the last nine years. The Greenhouse Theory can’t explain these realities, but the 1,500-year cycle does.”
“The warmings have been the good times, for both humans and wild species,” noted Singer, professor emeritus of environmental studies at the University of Virginia. “The world today has more vegetation and a richer diversity of birds, bears, butterflies, and lichens than the planet had during the 550 years of the Little Ice Age. The cold times gave humanity famine, bubonic plague, fiercer storms, and clouded skies. People today don’t understand the blessings the warmer climate brings.”
Solid Evidence
The 1,500-year climate cycle was initially found in the first long ice cores scientists brought up in Greenland and Antarctica in the 1980s. Avery notes the original discoverers won the Tyler Prize (“the environmental Nobel”) in 1996, “but now nobody mentions them.”
Evidence for the cycle has also been found in sources such as seabed sediments, cave stalagmites, fossil pollen, and ancient Chinese court records.
Scientists Agree
Dozens of other researchers have also found links between the 1,500-year cycle and solar variations recorded in the sunspot index.
“We’ve known for 400 years about the strong correlation between sunspots and the Earth’s temperatures,” said Singer. “There is no correlation between our temperatures and CO2.”
Avery and Singer published an earlier list in September 12, 2007 including more than 300 peer-reviewed scientists–most cited in their book–who had published evidence of the long climate cycle in prestigious journals such as Science, Nature, and Climate Dynamics.
The new list includes mostly peer-reviewed scientists who have published since the book was completed, cited both alphabetically and with their research studies.
Harriette Johnson ([email protected]) is media relations manager for The Heartland Institute. Dennis Avery ([email protected]) is a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute.
For more information …
“Research of Hundreds More Scientists Shows the Natural 1,500-Year Climate Cycle”:
“500 Scientists with Documented Doubts of Man-Made Global Warming Scares: Alphabetical List”: