I-SaveRx Must Go

Published September 28, 2006

Dear Editor:

I applaud your editorial of September 27 chiding the governor for not backing down from his illegal and ineffective prescription drug importation program, especially after it was criticized last week by the state auditor general.

The Food and Drug Administration warned long ago that such a program would be an illegal violation of the national ban on prescription drug importation and would be unsafe. In a remarkably blunt letter dated November 6, 2003, William K. Hubbard, then associate commissioner of the FDA, wrote, “It is inconceivable to FDA scientists that there will not be some injuries arising from the sale of unapproved drugs to your employees or citizens.”

It is time Gov. Blagojevich does the right thing by voluntarily shutting down I-SaveRx. If he doesn’t, the FDA should shut it down for him. What are they waiting for? A body count?


Joseph Bast

Joseph Bast ([email protected]) is president of The Heartland Institute.