Heartland Institute senior fellow James Taylor will deliver a keynote luncheon presentation Saturday at the Heartland Institute’s Colorado Emerging Issues Forum. The Emerging Issues Forum takes place at the Denver Marriott Tech Center and is open to the public. Dozens of Colorado state legislators and public policy experts are expected to attend. Registration is $50 and includes breakfast and lunch.
Taylor will discuss the latest scientific developments regarding global warming, as well as issue regarding energy economics, the environmental impacts of various energy sources, hydraulic fracturing, and Colorado’s renewable power mandate.
Earlier this year, Taylor testified in Colorado legislative hearings regarding a bill to require a higher percentage of expensive renewable power in the state’s electricity mix. Taylor pointed out renewable power mandates have raised electricity costs in Colorado and other states. Taylor also explained why an asserted cap on electricity price increases related to Colorado’s renewable power mandate is a paper tiger that does nothing to moderate the state’s rapidly escalating electricity prices.
The Colorado Emerging Issues Forum will take place from 8:30 to 3:30. More information is available here.