Just the Facts: Student Achievement

Published October 1, 2002
Just the Facts: Student Achievement
ACT Scores SAT Scores National Assessment of Educational Progress
Percent scoring at or above proficient
ACT Average Composite (2002) % of Grads Tested % of Grads Tested Mean Verbal (2002) Mean Math (2002) STATE 4th-Grade Reading (1998) 8th-Grade Reading (1998) 4th-Grade Math (2000) 8th-Grade Math (2000) 4th-Grade Science (2000) 8th-Grade Science (2000)
20.8 39 46 504 516 Nation 29 31 25 26 27 30
20.1 71 9 560 559 Alabama 24 21 14 16 22 22
21.3 31 52 516 519 Alaska
21.3 26 36 520 523 Arizona 22 28 17 21 22 24
20.2 72 5 560 556 Arkansas 23 23 13 14 24 23
21.4 13 52 496 517 California 20 22 15 18 14 15
20.1 99 28 543 548 Colorado 34 30
21.6 5 83 509 509 Connecticut 46 42 32 34 35 35
21.3 4 69 502 500 Delaware 25 25
20.4 39 57 496 499 Florida 23 23
19.8 20 65 489 491 Georgia 24 25 18 19 24 23
22.0 18 53 488 520 Hawaii 17 19 14 16 16 15
21.2 57 18 539 541 Idaho 21 27 31 38
20.1 99 11 578 596 Illinois 21 27 31 30
21.5 19 62 498 503 Indiana 31 31 22 35
22.0 66 5 591 602 Iowa 35 28 38
21.6 76 9 578 580 Kansas 34 35 30 34
20.0 72 12 550 552 Kentucky 29 29 17 21 29 29
19.6 79 8 561 559 Louisiana 19 18 14 12 19 18
22.5 6 69 503 502 Maine 36 42 25 32 38 37
20.4 11 67 507 513 Maryland 29 31 22 29 26 28
21.9 8 81 512 516 Massachusetts 37 36 33 32 43 42
21.3 68 11 558 572 Michigan 28 29 28 33 37
22.1 65 10 581 591 Minnesota 36 37 34 40 35 42
18.6 84 4 559 547 Mississippi 18 19 9 8 14 15
21.5 68 8 574 580 Missouri 29 29 23 22 35 36
21.7 52 23 541 547 Montana 37 38 25 37 38 46
21.7 72 8 561 570 Nebraska 24 31 26 36
21.3 36 34 509 518 Nevada 21 24 16 20 20 23
22.0 7 73 519 519 New Hampshire 38
20.7 5 82 498 513 New Jersey
20.0 63 14 551 543 New Mexico 22 24 12 13 18 20
22.2 14 79 494 506 New York 29 34 22 26 26 30
19.9 13 67 493 505 North Carolina 28 31 28 30 24 27
21.2 78 4 597 610 North Dakota 25 31 37 40
21.4 62 27 533 540 Ohio 26 31 32 41
20.5 69 8 565 562 Oklahoma 30 29 16 19 26 26
22.5 12 56 524 528 Oregon 28 33 23 32 28 33
21.5 7 72 498 500 Pennsylvania
21.9 6 73 504 503 Rhode Island 32 30 23 24 26 29
19.2 32 59 488 493 South Carolina 22 22 18 18 20 20
21.4 71 5 576 586 South Dakota
20.0 79 14 562 555 Tennessee 25 26 18 17 26 25
20.1 32 55 491 500 Texas 29 28 27 24 24 23
21.4 66 6 563 559 Utah 28 31 24 26 32 34
22.3 10 69 512 510 Vermont 29 32 38 40
20.6 11 68 510 506 Virginia 30 33 25 26 33 31
22.3 16 54 525 529 Washington 29 32
20.3 61 18 525 515 West Virginia 29 27 18 18 25 26
22.2 68 7 583 599 Wisconsin 34 33
21.4 64 11 531 537 Wyoming 30 29 25 25 33 36
17.5 28 76 480 473 Dist. of Columbia 10 12 6 6
ACT Average Composite Scores by State, which are copyright 2002 by ACT, Inc., are from the ACT website at http://www.act.org.
SAT Scholastic Assessment Test averages by state, which are copyright 2002 by the College Examination Board, are from The College Board website at http://www.collegeboard.com.
NAEP data are published by the National Center for Education Statistics at the U.S. Department of Education, located at http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard.