Major Telecom Reform Legislation Currently Before Congress (table)

Published March 1, 2006
Major Telecom Reform Legislation Currently Before Congress
Bill No. Title Sponsor(s) Committee Key Provisions Status
S. 1504 Broadband Investment and Consumer Choice Act John Ensign, R-NV
John McCain, R-AZ
Commerce, Science and Transportation * Eliminates nearly all forms of economic regulation;
* Eliminates nearly all unbundling requirements;
* Limits franchise fees to recovery of right-of-way costs;
* Permits fee-based bandwidth prioritization;
* Prohibits blocking of legal content and applications;
* Limits, but does not prohibit, municipal networks
Referred to Committee
S. 1349/H.R. 3146 Video Choice Act of 2005 (Senate and House versions) Gordon Smith, R, OR (Senate)
Jay Rockefeller, D-WV (Senate)
Marcia Blackburn, R-TN (House)
Albert Wynn, D-MD (House)
Commerce, Science and Transportation (Senate)
Energy and Commerce (House)
* Eliminates local franchise requirement for competitive video providers;
* Permits local franchise authorities to collect a percent-of-revenue fee on video-related revenues equivalent to fees charged incumbent cable companies
Referred to Committees
S. 2113 Digital Age Communications Act of 2005 Jim DeMint, R-SC Commerce, Science and Transportation * Eliminates most economic regulation;
* Overhauls universal service mechanisms;
* Prohibits competitive municipal-owned networks
* Prescribes corrective, not pre-emptive, FCC action for anti-competitive behavior
* Limits FCC review of industry mergers;
Referred to Committee
Draft Bill Draft Telecom Reform Bill (“BITS II”) Joe Barton, R-TX
Fred Upton, R-MI
Energy and Commerce * Creates separate categories for voice, VoIP, video and “broadband Internet transmission services.”
* Retains most regulations on basic voice;
* Limits regulation of data and video services;
* Streamlines video franchising process;
* Standardizes franchise fees at 5% of video service revenues;
* Limits, but does not prohibit, municipal broadband
Draft Form, Not yet introduced
S. 1294 Community Broadband Act of 2005 Frank Lautenberg, D-NJ
John McCain, R-AZ
Commerce, Science and Transportation * Prohibits states from passing laws barring municipal broadband projects Referred to Committee
H.R. 2726 Preserving Innovation on Telecom Act of 2005 Pete Sessions, R-TX Energy and Commerce * Prohibits municipal or other government-owned broadband networks Referred to Committee