The current issue of Climate Change Weekly reports on two peer-reviewed studies that illustrate the duplicity by which agenda-driven global warming alarmists falsely claim 97 percent of scientists believe humans are creating a global warming crisis.
The 97-percent “surveys” cited by alarmists address to simple questions; has the planet warmed since the Little Ice Age ended a little over 100 years ago and have humans played some role in recent warming. The questions are meaningless, as virtually all scientists – alarmists and skeptics alike – realize we are no longer in the Little Ice Age and humans have played some role in recent warming. The key question that divides alarmists and skeptics in the scientific debate is whether humans are causing warming that is so severe and harmful as to constitute a crisis.
Agenda-driven global warming alarmists frequently misrepresent the meaningless 97-percent surveys to assert 97 percent of scientists believe humans are creating a global warming crisis. Those who do so are either completely ignorant regarding the surveys they cite or they are deliberately lying about the study questions and results.
The current issue of Climate Change Weekly illustrates why the 97-percent surveys are meaningless. The current issue reports on a peer-reviewed study showing current temperatures are cooler than those that occurred earlier in the present interglacial warm period, and another peer-reviewed study showing coral are successfully expanding their range in response to warming temperatures. Both studies powerfully debunk alarmist global warming myths. However, because both studies implicitly agree that humans are causing some global warming, agenda-driven alarmists cite them as part of the 97 percent allegedly contradicting global warming skeptics.
Whenever a person makes the 97-percent claim during a global warming discussion or debate, chalk that person up as incredibly ignorant or contemptibly dishonest.