What Trumpnomics 1.0 Was and What 2.0 Could Be
Opinion -budget-tax-news, Editorial -Trumpnomics is it's own unique mix of economics values. Darren Brady Nelson breaks down how this has worked for the United States. -
Freedom Requires Resisting Coronavirus Pessimism
Opinion -budget-tax-news, Editorial -If there is a chance to pull society away from the social and economic abyss towards which it is moving, we must take it. -
Did the Lockdown Save Lives?
Opinion -budget-tax-news, Editorial -Whether school closings and stay-at-home orders slow an outbreak is an important and really challenging research question. This question must be answered before we compare economic costs and health benefits. -
The Pandemic vs. the Shutdown: What’s the Worst That Could Happen?
Opinion -budget-tax-news, Editorial -The long-term economic effects of the COVID-19 shutdown will be felt for years to come. -
China Virus Bailout Coin – Shouldn’t Go to Chinese Companies
Opinion -budget-tax-news, Editorial -There has been much back-and-forthing over who should and shouldn’t get money from the CARES Act. -
Behold: An Avalanche of Headlines Chronicling Google’s Systemic Theft
Opinion -budget-tax-news, Editorial -Google has government rig the private sector to its advantage. And it bigfoot crushes competitors. And failing that – it buys them. -
California’s Forecasted Budget Deficit Decades in the Making
Opinion -budget-tax-news, Editorial -For decades, the state that has been dominated by one-party that has been laying the foundation for a budget catastrophe. -
The Coronavirus and the Attack on Liberty and Privacy
Opinion -budget-tax-news, Editorial -Efforts to get us to accept and even support more of this government intrusion and data mining into our private affairs is one of the great dangers facing us in the coronavirus crisis. -
An “Austrian” Agenda for Post-Coronavirus Recovery
Opinion -budget-tax-news, Editorial -The collectivism virus need not destroy us, if we immunize ourselves with the philosophy of liberty and market liberalism. -
Countering Pritzker’s Endless ‘Emergency’ Power Grab in Court
Opinion -budget-tax-news, Editorial -The candor is refreshing. It is rare to see a public official openly resting upon the justification of Napoleon, the despot in George Orwell's novel, Animal Farm: "Some pigs are more equal than others." -
Proposed Violence Against Women Act Revisions Could Cost States Billions in Unemployment Benefits
Opinion -budget-tax-news, Editorial -Legislators in many states are considering bills that would reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) on the state level, jeopardizing the solvency of state Unemployment Insurance trust funds -
Profile: ‘CAFE’ Program Provides Free-Enterprise Perspective to University Students
Opinion -budget-tax-news, News -The Colloquium for the Advancement of Free-Enterprise Education at the University of Texas-Dallas teaches students about the foundations and history of the nation's economic system -
Questionable California Priorities Are About to Hit Pocket Books
Opinion -budget-tax-news, Editorial -Taxing the rich has seemed to be one of the Band-Aid solutions for California’s budget, but that’s dangerous as seventy percent of the General Fund is already provided by personal taxes on just five percent of the population. -
Indiana University-Bloomington Makes SAT/ACT Testing Optional for Admissions
Opinion -budget-tax-news, school-reform-news -IU-Bloomington joined the six other components in the IU System that have also elected to become test optional. -
Tyson Timbs’ Asset Forfeiture Case in District Court Following Indiana Supreme Court Decision
Opinion -budget-tax-news -Tyson Timbs has been trying to recover a Land Rover seized by police in connection with his arrest for a drug offense in 2013. -
On-line Lambda School Offers Students Income Share Agreements in lieu of Tuition
Opinion -budget-tax-news, school-reform-news -For-profit schools like Lambda are an important alternative to traditional universities that impose a heavy financial burden on students. -
T-Mobile and Sprint Merger Could Boost Wireless Service Competition
Opinion -budget-tax-news -Two telecoms complete a merger expected to speed 5G broadband deployment. -
The Stimulus and Moral Hazard
Opinion -budget-tax-news, Editorial -The CARES Act is one of the few government bailouts that doesn't set a bad precedent. -
Watch Out for Long-Term Effects of Government’s Coronavirus Remedies
Opinion -budget-tax-news, Editorial -Economic contractions harm human health, so governments should take that into account in their coronavirus policies -
Cheering the FCC plan for 6GHz
Opinion -budget-tax-news, Editorial -The challenge for the FCC has been, and will continue to be, to fill the "spectrum pipeline" with more available spectrum to meet the ever-increasing demand by consumers. -
Illinois Has No ‘Rainy Day Fund’ to Draw on for Pandemic
Opinion -budget-tax-news -Most state governments have accumulated “rainy day” funds (RDF) which they can draw on during unexpected revenue shortfalls. -
Firearms Sales Surge during Pandemic
Opinion -budget-tax-news -State and local governments Implement Inconsistent Policies on Gun Sales -
Unions Deploy Teacher Strikes to Stop School Choice
Opinion -budget-tax-news, school-reform-news -Chicago teachers unions expressed their opposition to charter schools in 2019 by demanding the continuation of a moratorium on additional charter schools in the city. -
NC Judge Orders State to Spend $8 Billion More on Education
Opinion -budget-tax-news, school-reform-news, News -North Carolina Superior Court Judge David Lee ordered the state to formulate a plan to increase spending on K-12 education by an estimated $8 billion.