Friday’s ed news
LOUISIANA: The Senate votes down a repeal of Common Core.
CHARTERS: Congress considers a bill to spend more on charter schools.
POETRY: Why you should forget Google and memorize poems.
OKLAHOMA: Technical problems again plague state tests.
OHIO: A company refuses to hire a homeschooled graduate, charging that his lack of a state diploma makes him unqualified, despite his several college credits and industry certifications.
STUDENT LOANS: U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants to give more taxpayer money to people who contracted college debt.
Thursday’s ed news
FLORIDA: As school choice matures in a state, it has two struggles: Expansion and regulation.
NAEP: On the latest results from the Nation’s Report Card, twelfth graders still haven’t improved in more than 20 years, and achievement gaps have also barely budged.
INDIANA: The Obama administration is about to get extremely pushy with states, which is likely to generate a long-lasting backlash.
ARIZONA: As other states with highly regulated choice programs start to have more demand than supply, Arizona has nearly 100 percent participation in its lightly regulated choice program.
GEORGIA: School choice opponents file a lawsuit against the state’s tax-credit scholarships.
STUDENT LOANS: The higher education bubble has started to pop, says Richard Vedder.
Wednesday’s ed news
INDIANA: In Tuesday’s primary, two anti-Common Core challengers beat sitting state representatives.
CALIFORNIA: A teacher-union-sponsored bill threatens charter schools.
COMMON CORE: A testing company files suit against the winner of a Common Core testing contract, saying the process was unfair and represents crony capitalism.
ENTREPRENEURSHIP: There’s no evidence entrepreneurship education programs have any benefits.
Tuesday’s ed news
NEW YORK: The state makes it easier to open charter schools.
OHIO: A state investigation finds Columbus schools pushed out struggling students.
NORTH CAROLINA: Lawmakers put a hold on a bill to create statewide open enrollment.
MISSOURI: Small-town voters support school choice. So why don’t their representatives?
SCHOOL LUNCH: Schools ask the feds to loosen Michelle Obama’s madcap school lunch regulations.
ASIANS: A study finds Americans of Asian ancestry do better in school because they work harder.
PENNSYLVANIA: A school struggles to increase the number of students taking and passing Advanced Placement classes, as part of a nationwide experiment.
COMMON CORE: Two new polls about Cpmmon Core have come out, and one was funded by its biggest proponent.
Monday’s ed news
FLORIDA: The legislature has sent a bill to the governor that would expand its most popular school choice program and introduce another.
SOUTH CAROLINA: The Senate passes a bill to scrap Common Core.
INDIANA: The Obama administration puts the state on notice to provide proof its new standards are better than Common Core or face a loss of federal funds.
NEW YORK: Charter schools must turn away 50,000 applicants for lack of room.
OKLAHOMA: It looks likely the state will repeal and replace Common Core, but with what?
TESTING: Why computers can’t grade essays.
LIBERAL ARTS: Why even plumbers deserve to read Plato and think through life’s biggest questions.
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Image by Mo Riza.