Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change Calls for Contributing Authors

Published October 4, 2010

The Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change has announced is seeking nominations for Contributing Authors for the second edition of Climate Change Reconsidered, expected to be released in 2013. Nominations will be accepted through November 15, 2010.

In June, 2009, NIPCC produced an 800-plus-page assessment of climate science with contributions from 35 scientists. Climate Change Reconsidered: The Report of the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change, which is available online at, highlights the work of thousands of researchers as presented in thousands of articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, much of it running counter to the pronouncements of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Climate Change Reconsidered remains the only authoritative and comprehensive critique of the IPCC’s science reports. In light of continuing revelations of bias, errors, and suppression of dissent in the IPCC, the existence of an alternative team that can independently confirm or correct the findings of the IPCC is more important than ever.

The IPCC is pressing forward with plans to produce a Fifth Assessment Report, to be released to the public in late 2013 or early 2014. Given the track record of its four previous reports, there are legitimate concerns the new tome will once again cherrypick data, hide deep disagreements within the scientific community over key issues, and exaggerate confidence in the connection between rising carbon dioxide and climate change.

Climate Change Reconsidered—2 will once again present an independent and opposing perspective on climate change science. It will be released concurrently with the IPCC’s AR5 in 2013 or 2014, with preliminary research summaries to be released in 2011 and 2012. Work on the new report began in April with the launch of a new NIPCC Web site, Visitors to the site will find more than 270 new reviews of the peer-reviewed scientific literature topics important to the global warming discussion.

With the Web site launch completed, the NIPCC is now accepting nominations for the position of Contributing Authors to CCR-2. A full description of the duties and responsibilities associated with this position can be found on the NIPCC Web site (

We welcome all nominations, and we encourage all who are interested to apply. All nominations must be received by 15 November 2010. Appointments will be made in a timely manner thereafter.

Craig D. Idso    S. Fred Singer   
Editor, CCR-2    Editor,


Working Chapter Titles for Climate Change Reconsidered, Volume 2

Physical Science Considerations
1. Global Climate Models and their Limitations
2. Climate Forcings and Feedback Factors
3. Observations/Projections: Temperature
4. Observations/Projections: Hydrology, Oceans, and Cryosphere
5. Observations/Projections: Extreme Weather

Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability
1. Terrestrial Plants
2. Terrestrial Animals
3. Aquatic Life
4. Human Health and Welfare
5. Economic and Other Policy Considerations